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Amira Mohamed Ali leaves Left Party for Wagenknecht Party

Former Left Party leader Amira Mohamed Ali speaks during the press conference in Berlin.

Amira Mohamed Ali leaves Left Party for Wagenknecht Party

Oldenburg politician Amira Mohamed Ali is joining Sahra Wagenknecht's new party. The time has come to leave the Left Party, said the former parliamentary group leader of the Left Party in the Bundestag on Monday in Berlin. At the same time, she announced that Wagenknecht and her supporters were "prepared to remain in the Left Party" until their own party was founded.

The Left Party leadership in Lower Saxony, on the other hand, called on Mohamed Ali to resign her seat. "Decency would demand this step," explained the state executive. Instead, the trade unionist Mizgin Ciftci from Osterholz-Scharmbeck should take his place, a spokesperson for the Left Party said on Monday.

"The association "Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht - For Reason and Justice" was founded to prepare a new party," it said in a written statement. For years, Germany has been "governed without the wishes of the majority". Instead of rewarding performance, redistribution is made from the hard-working to the top ten thousand. Lobby wishes are being served and public coffers emptied. "Many people have lost trust in the state and no longer feel represented by any of the existing parties."

In Bremen, the Left Party has been part of a red-green-red government since August 2019 - the first time in a western German state. "This had a lot to do with the fact that the camp around Sahra Wagenknecht did not play a major role here and we did not allow ourselves to be divided by controversial internal debates," reads a joint statement from the Bremen Left Party parliamentary group, the state executive and the left-wing senators.

From the point of view of the Left in Bremen, the clarification of the conflict with Wagenknecht is an opportunity. "We know that our party now has the task of leaving old conflicts and voids behind and strengthening left-wing policies that are needed," the statement from Bremen reads.

Amira Mohamed Ali mentioned that she needed to leave the Left Party to join Sahra Wagenknecht's new group. Following her departure, her personal details were no longer present in the Left Party's records.


