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Amidst ongoing conflicts, Zelensky seeks aiding from Berlin to fortify air protection.

On the first day of the international reconstruction conference in Berlin, there were calls to enhance Ukraine's air defense system. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) stated in his opening speech, "The ultimate goal is to prevent any need for reconstruction." President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of...

Scholz (center) between Selenskyj and von der Leyen
Scholz (center) between Selenskyj and von der Leyen

Amidst ongoing conflicts, Zelensky seeks aiding from Berlin to fortify air protection.

The Berlin conference with around 2000 attendees from over 60 nations is centered on the long-term economic reinforcement and reconstruction of Ukraine. The purpose of the conference is to facilitate connections between players from the economy, society, and municipalities. While financial commitments aren't the primary focus, discussions regarding emergency aid are highly significant due to Russia's immense military force.

German Chancellor Scholz, in his address, urged allies to support Germany's initiative for fortifying Ukraine's air defense "with everything possible." This initiative, launched last year, aims to elicit contributions of air defense systems from the Bundeswehr and allies for Ukraine.

Scholz underscored that Germany will provide Ukraine with a third Patriot air defense system shortly. Zelenskyy estimated that his country needs at least seven such Patriot systems.

"The rocket and bomb terror enables the Russian troops to advance on the ground," said Zelenskyy. As long as Russia maintains an air advantage, "Putin has no genuine interest in seeking a just peace," Zelenskyy stated.

After his appearance at the conference, Zelenskyy gave a speech in the Bundestag's general session, thanking Germany for the military aid, which had saved countless lives. Ukraine seeks to end the war but not on the terms of the Russian aggressors.

The AfD and BSW were absent from Zelenskyy's speech, branding the Ukrainian president for unnecessarily prolonging the conflict. From the other factions, Zelenskyy received prolonged rounds of applause.

A key aspect of the conference concerned the role that private industry can play in Ukraine's sustainable rebuilding. "The reconstruction and modernization of the country necessitate significant financial investments," said Scholz. "The World Bank estimates that these efforts will require almost 500 billion dollars over the next ten years." Given the magnitude of these requirements, "private capital must also be involved," Scholz said.

Zelenskyy disclosed at the conference that, since winter, half of Ukraine's electricity-generating capacities have been destroyed by Russian rocket and drone attacks. Over the last 24 hours, Russia had deployed 135 glide bombs over Ukraine, each around a ton.

Additionally, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) denounced the viciousness of Russian warfare: "Putin aims to annihilate the lifeblood of Ukraine through his barbaric war." Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba asked foreign companies to invest quickly in his country: "Don't postpone your decisions until the war is over."

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen pledged EU credit guarantees of 1.4 billion euros for Ukraine's reconstruction at the conference. These guarantees should facilitate access to funds for businesses within the country. Further, Brussels plans to release 1.5 billion euros from frozen Russian dividends to Ukraine in the near future.

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) announced an additional 100 million euros in German assistance for Ukraine - chiefly for measures concerning psychological and social support.

In Ukraine, entire regions have been leveled. For weeks, Russia has systematically targeted Ukraine's power grid, leaving hundreds of thousands of citizens without electricity. Additionally, other areas including water supply, hospitals, and schools are frequently targeted for destruction.

Scholz underlined the long-term nature of German and European support. "When we speak of rebuilding Ukraine, we're addressing the rebuilding of a future EU member state," he said. "We will rebuild Ukraine - more powerful, freer, and more prosperous than before."

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