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Already 47 proceedings against Prinz-Reuß-Group at the countries

In Stuttgart, Munich and Frankfurt, negotiations are already underway. The investigation complex surrounding the "Reichsbürger" group, which surfaced in 2022, continues to engage the regional prosecutors.

In Frankfurt, Heinrich XIII. Prince Reuß stands before court. Investigations against alleged...
In Frankfurt, Heinrich XIII. Prince Reuß stands before court. Investigations against alleged supporters of the 'Reichsbuerger' association around him are ongoing.

Reichsburgers - Already 47 proceedings against Prinz-Reuß-Group at the countries

The known findings regarding alleged members and supporters of the "Reichsbürger" association around Prince Reuß have also led to extensive investigations in the countries. According to a response from the Federal Justice Ministry to a question from Bundestag MP Martina Renner (Left), the Federal Prosecutor General has so far handed over 47 investigative proceedings to the state prosecutors of the federal states.

According to the Court Constitution Act, the Federal Prosecutor General transfers a case before the filing of an indictment or a motion in less significant matters to the state prosecutor.

The Reuß Group was first made public in a large-scale anti-terror raid at the end of 2022. The 26 accused, according to the indictment, were planning a violent overthrow of the federal government and were willing to accept casualties. They are currently standing trial at three different locations: Munich, Frankfurt am Main, and Stuttgart. Until the verdict, the defendants enjoy the presumption of innocence.

"Reichsbürger" do not recognize the Federal Republic and its laws. The scene is very heterogeneous; a part is assigned to the right-wing extremist spectrum.

Planned system with 286 military associations

The military part of the alleged terrorist group around Prince Reuß, according to the indictment, was supposed to enforce the planned power takeover with armed force. To this end, the establishment of a nationwide system of 286 militarily organized associations, called Heimatschutzkompanien, was begun.

Discovered signed non-disclosure agreements were a crucial starting point for further investigations and searches. Among the signatories of the agreements, according to security agency findings, are several weapons owners.

Renner, the Left MP, urged that the investigative pressure should not abate. "Every weapon in the hands of right-wing terrorists who were involved in planning a right-wing coup is a lethal threat to representatives of the state, Left party members, and members of migrant communities," she said. This is especially true, she added, if these individuals had previously been trained in weapons and handling explosives as soldiers or police officers.

The investigations into the "Reichsbürger" association associated with Prince Reuß have also extended to Germany's neighboring countries. The Federal Ministry of Justice in Berlin has transferred 47 investigative proceedings to the state prosecutors of various federal states, including Hesse and Baden-Württemberg.

According to the Court Constitution Act, the Federal Prosecutor General transfers a case before the filing of an indictment or in less significant matters to the state prosecutor, thus enabling a more localized investigation.

The Reuß Group, first brought to light in a significant anti-terror raid at the end of 2022, consists of 26 alleged members who are currently facing trial in Munich, Frankfurt am Main, and Stuttgart. The existence of this group and their plans for a violent overthrow of the federal government have been detailed in indictments, with the defendants still enjoying the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

The "Reichsbürger" movement rejects the Federal Republic and its laws, with a portion of its adherents belonging to the right-wing extremist spectrum. According to intelligence agency findings, several individuals associated with right-wing terrorism and weapons ownership signed non-disclosure agreements, which served as a crucial starting point for further investigations and searches.

These weapons-trained individuals, who are reportedly involved in planning a right-wing coup, pose a significant threat to representatives of the state, Left party members, and migrant communities, as urged by Martina Renner, the Left MP. She emphasized the need for investigative pressure to continue due to the potential lethal threat these individuals pose.

Despite these ongoing investigations, the group around Prince Reuß is believed to have had plans to enforce their power takeover using armed force, as described in the indictment. They envisioned establishing a nationwide system of 286 militarily organized associations known as Heimatschutzkompanien to help accomplish this goal.

The extent of the investigations into the Reuß Group highlights the persistent threat of extremism and terrorism in Germany, with various federal states actively working to dismantle and prosecute associated criminal activities.

Martina Renner's plea for investigative pressure to continue underscores the gravity of the situation, emphasizing the need for a sustained response to combat right-wing extremism and ensure the safety of all German citizens.

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