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Almost three years in prison for man in Berlin for smuggling in foreigners

A smuggler of mainly Turkish citizens has been sentenced to two years and nine months in prison in Berlin. The court considered it proven that the 58-year-old man had smuggled in foreigners on a commercial basis in nine cases and had committed forgery of documents, as a court spokeswoman said...


Almost three years in prison for man in Berlin for smuggling in foreigners

According to the indictment, the accused, along with other members of a gang, obtained German residence permits for most people of Turkish descent in 2018 and 2019 for a fee. They obtained the corresponding documents during burglaries at Berlin offices, stamped them falsely, and pasted them into the original passports.

The passport holders rendered these documents invalid by washing them or similar means and then applied for new passports and residence titles at the embassy or Berlin authorities. From the prosecutor's perspective, the accused and other gang members deliberately took advantage of the fact that the Berlin authorities had no access to the information systems of the Foreigners Office.

The 58-year-old was arrested in Greece in January 2024 and was extradited to Germany shortly thereafter. The court ordered the seizure of 44,400 Euro, which the man was supposed to have earned through these actions.

  1. The court spokeswoman announced the imprisonment of a foreigner for years due to his involvement in an infiltration scheme in Berlin, Turkey, where he fraudulently obtained residential permits for scarce numbers of Turkish descent in 2018 and 2019.
  2. The man's detention in Greece in January 2024 and subsequent extradition to Germany led to his trial, where he was convicted of his role in the Berline-based gang responsible for this foreigner's infiltration.
  3. The proceeds from this infiltration totaled 44,400 Euro, which the court determined was earned by the man and ordered its seizure.
  4. Despite the Berlin authorities having no access to the Foreigners Office's information systems, this man and the gang took advantage of this scarce access to obtain falsified documents for citizens.
  5. The fake documents were obtained through burglaries at Berlin offices, stamped falsely, and applied to the original passports, making them invalid by washing or other means to facilitate the applicants' renewal of passports and residence titles.

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