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Almost half of all jobs for skilled workers unfilled in 2022

A tower crane reaches for the sky on a construction site: the construction industry is particularly hard hit by the shortage of skilled workers.

Almost half of all jobs for skilled workers unfilled in 2022

Almost half of all companies in Germany were unable to fill their vacancies for skilled workers in the first half of 2022. This is according to a study presented on Friday by the Nuremberg Institute for Employment Research (IAB).

While around 45% of vacancies for skilled workers remained unfilled across all companies, the figure was as high as 62% for micro-enterprises. In large companies, the proportion of unfilled vacancies for skilled workers was lower at 24%.

The survey also revealed major differences between different sectors. The construction industry was particularly affected, where almost two thirds of all vacancies could not be filled. Many vacancies also remained unfilled in the accommodation and catering sectors. The lowest proportion was in public administration, where one in ten vacancies remained unfilled.

According to the study, the demand for skilled workers in Germany was higher than it has been for ten years. Of the companies surveyed, around 40% reported a need for skilled workers in the first half of 2022. Ten years ago, this figure was 28%.

Researchers used data from the IAB Establishment Panel for the study. According to the IAB, around 15,000 companies take part in this representative survey every year.

The labor market issue of unfilled vacancies for skilled workers is not exclusive to large companies, as micro-enterprises in Germany struggled with a 62% rate of unfilled positions in this category. The demand for skilled workers in Germany has significantly increased over the past decade, with around 40% of companies reporting a need for such workers in the first half of 2022, up from 28% ten years ago.




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