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Almost fatal stabbing: Motive probably jealousy

A 52-year-old man has been on trial in Lübeck since Thursday for a dangerous knife attack on his separated wife and her new partner. Out of jealousy, the accused allegedly attacked and seriously injured his wife's new partner with a knife in June 2023.

A figure of the blind Justitia.
A figure of the blind Justitia.

Lübeck - Almost fatal stabbing: Motive probably jealousy

A 52-year-old man has been on trial in Lübeck since Thursday for a dangerous knife attack on his separated wife and her new partner. Out of jealousy, the accused allegedly attacked and seriously injured his wife's new partner with a knife in June 2023.

When the attacked man fled, the 52-year-old also allegedly stabbed his wife, who was 15 years younger, according to the indictment. The accused is charged with two counts of attempted manslaughter combined with grievous bodily harm.

When the couple met in a parking lot in Breitenfelde in the district of Herzogtum Lauenburg on June 20 to hand over their then seven-year-old son - the youngest of their four children - to his father, the accused pulled out a knife and stabbed the 47-year-old man in the side. According to the public prosecutor's office, he then also stabbed the 37-year-old woman. Both were seriously injured and had to undergo emergency surgery in different hospitals.

The start of the trial was laborious. Despite the interpreters, there were repeated difficulties with communication. Although all those involved in the trial come from Afghanistan, they belong to different ethnic groups and therefore speak different languages.

According to the wife, the violence was sparked by her intention to divorce her husband. "He didn't accept that," said her new partner on Thursday. He had replied that she had come to him in a white dress - the wedding dress - and that she would also leave in a white dress - the shroud. The trial will continue.

Read also:

  1. During the trial, the defense attorney argued that the processes of dealing with emotions and jealousy in the accused's (52-year-old man from Lübeck) cultural background might have contributed to his actions.
  2. In the aftermath of the knife attack, the woman sought refuge in Schleswig-Holstein, far away from her estranged husband and the tragic events.
  3. Although the woman's new partner survived the knife thrust, he was left with physical and emotional scars that would likely stay with him for years to come.
  4. As the knife attack on the partner and the wife in Breitenfelde became public knowledge, many in Lübeck expressed their shock and concern for the victims, calling for swift justice in the ongoing legal proceedings.


