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Almost 80 calls to order in the Brandenburg state parliament so far

There have been a particularly large number of calls to order in the Brandenburg state parliament during this legislative period. There are many reasons for this. One parliamentary group leads the list by some distance.

View of the Potsdam City Palace from the dome of St. Nikolai Church.
View of the Potsdam City Palace from the dome of St. Nikolai Church.

Parliament - Almost 80 calls to order in the Brandenburg state parliament so far

The number of order calls in the Brandenburg State Parliament has significantly increased during this legislative period. According to information from the German Press Agency, 77 order calls were recorded in 109 sessions up until the special session on the previous Thursday. In the previous legislative period, there were fewer than ten calls. The climate in the state parliament has thus noticeably worsened since 2019. The AfD-faction leads the list for this legislative period.

AfD deputies have received a total of 58 order calls. Thirteen of these went to Parliamentary Manager Dennis Hohloch, followed by Lars Hünich with nine and Fraktion Chairman Hans-Christoph Berndt with seven. The Left faction has received 13 order calls, four of which went to Fraktion Leader Sebastian Walter. For SPD, CDU, and Free Voters deputies, there were two order calls each by June 27 for each faction. The Greens have not received any order calls yet.

Landtag President Ulrike Liedtke, Vice President Barbara Richstein, or Vice President Andreas Galau issued the warnings for various reasons. In several cases, it concerned statements that did not meet the requirements of the Presiding Officer. However, there were also order calls for disruptions, persistent interruptions, or criticism of the chairmanship.

From "Blood on your hands" to "Rumpelstiltskin"

An order call was issued to the AfD deputy Hünich in June for stating to other parliamentarians regarding Corona vaccinations: "You honorable members, you also have blood on your hands." AfD parliamentary manager Hohloch received an order call in April for referring to Constitutional Protection Agency employees as "thugs."

Left deputy Ronny Kretschmer received an order call in 2023 for the statement: "Sit down, you Rumpelstiltskin!" CDU politician Frank Bommert received an order call in 2021 for wearing a medical mask instead of an FFP2 mask. The spokesperson for the Free Voters, Péter Vida, received one in April of this year for bringing an orange - a symbol of the Free Voters - into the plenary hall.

When the President or the President identifies behavior or speech that is suitable for violating parliamentary dignity or order, they call the relevant deputy by name to order. This is stated in the parliamentary rules of procedure. If a deputy is called to order in the same speech three times and warned of the consequences of a further warning, they face the threat of word withdrawal or exclusion from the session.

  1. Dennis Hohloch, the Parliamentary Manager of the AfD faction, received an order call in April for referring to Constitutional Protection Agency employees as "thugs."
  2. Sebastian Walter, the Fraktion Leader of the Left faction, received four order calls during this legislative period.
  3. The CDU and SPD factions, as well as the Free Voters (FW), each had two order calls issued to their deputies by June 27 during this legislative period.
  4. The German Press Agency reported that the number of order calls in the Brandenburg State Parliament has significantly increased during this legislative period, with 77 calls recorded in 109 sessions up until the special session on the previous Thursday.
  5. Lars Hünich, a deputy of the AfD faction, received nine order calls in this legislative period, coming second after Dennis Hohloch.
  6. During a special meeting in the Parliament, an order call was issued to an SPD politician for his criticism of the chairmanship.
  7. The FW spokesperson, Péter Vida, received an order call in April of this year for bringing an orange, a symbol of the Free Voters, into the plenary hall.

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