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Almost 3.5 million people at Kiel Week 2024

Mostly good weather attracted numerous people to Kiel Week. According to the city, almost 3.5 million people visited the summer festival - but that was slightly fewer than last year.

A Ferris wheel turns at Kiel Week 2024.
A Ferris wheel turns at Kiel Week 2024.

Fixed - Almost 3.5 million people at Kiel Week 2024

In good weather, approximately 3.5 million people celebrated at the Kiel Week 2024, according to city reports. This was below the estimated 3.8 million visitors from the previous year. "While German footballers still face some challenges at the EM, Kiel has already lived its summer fairy tale: The Kiel Week 2024 was a carefree, joyful, and peaceful festival," said Kiel's Mayor Ulf Kämpfer (SPD) on Sunday. In 2023, the city was pushed to its limits with 3.8 million visitors on some evenings.

For the first time, organizers and police used drones and 15 video cameras distributed over the summer festival, which were evaluated in a control center at the fire department. "We look back on a peaceful Kiel Week 2024," said the police director Mathias Engelmann. Both the incident and crime situation were relatively calm.

There were 237 interventions this year, compared to 262 in the previous year, Engelmann said. The number of recorded crimes was 136 as of Sunday morning, which is slightly below the 141 incidents at the same time the previous year. The number of so-called violent crimes, such as assaults, robbery, or sexual offenses, dropped to 74 (2023: 89). There were no major confrontations where people sustained serious injuries, according to the police. The number of reported pickpocketing incidents fell from around 50 to 20 cases. There were 16 reports of stolen vehicles (37). 75 people received warnings. Five were taken into custody. 20 visitors were intoxicated (31).

The Federal Police recorded 38 crimes (2023: 97). Deployment forces took 421 reports of potential threats (470). During travel to the ferries, there were no significant incidents. "The travelers were almost exceptionally well-behaved and peacefully celebrating," the police reported. By Sunday (12:00 pm), there had been around 2800 police interventions (roughly 1500), mainly identity checks, potential threat reports, and checks under a general order prohibiting the carrying of dangerous items. Of the 832 checks (221), 27 violations (24) were recorded.

"Gorch Fock" leading the Windjammer Parade

The maritime highlight of the summer festival was the traditional Windjammer Parade on the fjord on Saturday, led by the German sailing school ship "Gorch Fock." According to city reports, around 150,000 spectators followed this. About 120 ships took part in the parade, including approximately 60 traditional sailing ships. Among them were the German bark "Alexander von Humboldt II," the "Roald Amundsen," the "Thor Heyerdahl," and the "Gulden Leeuw." On Friday, there was a collision between two traditional ships with significant damage and minor injuries, according to the water police.

The sailing regattas in Kiel-Schilksee were in the shadow of the Olympics in Paris. 3500 sailors from 53 nations with 1400 boats used the sporting part of the Kiel Week for the preparation for the fight for medals. "It was more like a small Kiel Week due to the Olympics for us," said Regatta Organizing Director Dirk Ramhorst.

The German Navy welcomed around 40 naval ships from 16 nations. On them came 4000 marine soldiers to the military base. Approximately 24,000 curious people took advantage of the opportunity to visit, among others, the "Gorch Fock" and the sailing school ship "Gloria" from Colombia, during the Open Ship event.

Steg collapses

There was a terrifying moment on Saturday evening during the public viewing of the EM game Germany against Denmark near the sports boat harbor Düsternbrook. Under the weight of the spectators, a pier collapsed. According to the police report, the pier gave way. However, no one had fallen into the water or been injured.

On about 20 stages, there were numerous, mostly free concerts to listen to - among others, from Juli, Torfrock, Guildo Horn, Patrice, Milow, Royal Republic and Max Giesinger. At the International Market, delicacies from all over the world were served. The children's cultural offerings of the Spiellein on the Krusenkoppel were used by 260,000 small and large guests.

Bundesrat President Manuela Schwesig (SPD) and ex-footballer Fin Bartels gave the signal "Let go of the ropes" with a ship's horn on June 22nd. Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President Daniel Günther (CDU) took over the ringing of the ship's bell on the stage in front of the Kiel City Hall. The traditional fireworks "Sternenzauber over Kiel" over the Innerfjord were supposed to end the Kiel Week late on Sunday evening - including a drone and laser show over the water. The next summer festival is scheduled to take place from June 21st to 29th, 2025.

  1. On Sunday, Ulf Kämpfer (SPD), the Mayor of Kiel, praised the peaceful and joyful atmosphere of Kiel Week 2024.
  2. For the first time at the Kiel Week, the fire department's control center was equipped with drones and 15 video cameras distributed over the summer festival.
  3. During Kiel Week 2024, there were fewer reported incidents and crimes compared to the previous year, including a significant drop in violent crimes.
  4. The maritime highlight of the summer festival was the Windjammer Parade, led by the sailing school ship "Gorch Fock," which was attended by approximately 150,000 spectators.
  5. The sailing regattas in Kiel-Schilksee were overshadowed by the Olympics in Paris, but still attracted 3500 sailors from 53 nations.
  6. Despite a terrifying moment when a pier collapsed during the public viewing of the EM game, no one was injured, and the Kiel Week continued with numerous concerts, cultural offerings, and the traditional fireworks display.

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