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Almost 2650 apprenticeships still unfilled on the training market

A craftsman with a gas burner during the construction of an apartment
A craftsman with a gas burner during the construction of an apartment

Almost 2650 apprenticeships still unfilled on the training market

In Saxony, at least 2000 apprenticeships remain unfilled this year. Klaus-Peter Hansen, head of the employment agency in Saxony, announced in Chemnitz on Monday that in October there were just under 2650 vacant training places compared to 669 young people who were still looking. "In view of the future demand for skilled workers, we can no longer afford this." Therefore, intensive efforts are being made to recruit the remaining applicants.

However, Hansen also sees opportunities for the next training year. There is great potential among applicants with fewer years of schooling, university dropouts, young adults and foreign applicants. "If there are any difficulties during training, we can help with coaching, extra tuition or individual support." The fact is: "Every young person has talents, is needed and should have a good start to their professional life - regardless of school grades, disabilities or language deficits".

The unfilled apprenticeships in the labor market could potentially be addressed by attracting applicants with diverse backgrounds, such as those with less formal education or foreign students. Given the future need for skilled workers, it's crucial to tap into the untapped potential in the education sector.




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