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Almost 20 cases of violence reported to the Chamber of Nursing

Almost 20 cases of violence against people in need of care have been reported to the NRW Chamber of Nursing within a year. Almost all of the reports were submitted to the chamber by public prosecutors, a spokeswoman said on Friday in response to an inquiry. The cases ranged from neglect of...

Health - Almost 20 cases of violence reported to the Chamber of Nursing

Almost 20 cases of violence against people in need of care have been reported to the NRW Chamber of Nursing within a year. Almost all of the reports were submitted to the chamber by public prosecutors, a spokeswoman said on Friday in response to an inquiry. The cases ranged from neglect of people in need of care to physical or sexualized violence. However, the number of unreported cases of violence in the care sector is likely to be much higher. The chamber wants to establish a low-threshold reporting system that care professionals can use in future to anonymously report breaches of professional duty and aspects of violence.

Violence in nursing is still a taboo subject, said Dominik Stark, board member of the NRW Chamber of Nursing. Insults, threats and assaults are not uncommon in the care sector. This was also shown by the results of a study by the violence prevention project Peko, in which four universities are involved. According to the study, 92% of professional carers in inpatient facilities, outpatient care and hospitals have experienced psychological or physical violence. At the same time, however, 70 percent of nursing staff also stated that they themselves had used violence against people in need of care. In many cases, this involved neglect and psychological violence.

The North Rhine-Westphalia Chamber of Nursing wants to raise awareness of the issue of violence in nursing care with a group of experts and promote measures to prevent violence. Further training, education and de-escalation training are intended to prevent violence in everyday nursing care. Nursing staff should also be made aware of "quiet", i.e. subtle, forms of violence.

According to the spokesperson, the NRW Chamber of Nursing is the central point of contact when it comes to breaches of professional duty in nursing. However, there are also numerous forms of violence against nursing staff, she said. The chamber has no means of recording these cases, but it does stand by nursing staff who experience violence.

Violence prevention project Peko Pflegekammer NRW

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