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Almost 130 readings on Read Aloud Day in Lower Saxony and Bremen

Listen to a voice and immerse yourself in a story: A nationwide campaign aims to awaken enthusiasm for reading and reading aloud - also in Lower Saxony and Bremen.

The former mayor of Bremen, Henning Scherf, reads aloud at the station mission in the main
The former mayor of Bremen, Henning Scherf, reads aloud at the station mission in the main

Almost 130 readings on Read Aloud Day in Lower Saxony and Bremen

Stories to listen to at the station mission, in kindergartens or in schools: On the nationwide Read Aloud Day, numerous people from politics, culture and administration read aloud in Bremen and Lower Saxony. Almost 130 readings were planned in the two federal states on Friday, according to the organizers.

Bremen's former head of government Henning Scherf (SPD) picked up a book at the Bremen station mission. "I picked out something really cheeky," said the 80-year-old. He read from the collection of stories "Volle Kanne in die Tanne" in a disguised voice. His audience listened to two stories about the run-up to Christmas. Readings were planned at the station mission until the afternoon, including one with the President of the Bremen Parliament, Antje Grotheer (SPD). A kindergarten was able to win over Bremen's Senator for Education Sascha Aulepp (SPD) as a reader for the picture book "Ein Platz nur für Lieselotte".

In Hanover, readings with Hanover's Lord Mayor Belit Onay (Greens), Lower Saxony's Finance Minister Gerald Heere (Greens) and with actress Anja Herden were to take place in schools. Lower Saxony's Minister of Culture Falko Mohrs (SPD) wanted to read to adults from his favorite books in the Hanover City Library.

The nationwide Read Aloud Day was launched in 2004 by the weekly newspaper "Die Zeit", the Reading Foundation and the Deutsche Bahn Foundation. It aims to awaken enthusiasm for reading and reading aloud and to bring children into contact with the written and narrated word at an early age. This year's event took place under the motto "Reading aloud connects".

Kindergartens and schools were both active participants in the nationwide Read Aloud Day. In Hanover, readings were planned with local officials and actress Anja Herden in schools, while a kindergarten in Bremen was fortunate enough to secure Bremen's Senator for Education Sascha Aulepp (SPD) as a reader for the picture book "Ein Platz nur für Lieselotte".




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