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Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht questions the 2038 coal phase-out

The BSW only has around 40 members in Brandenburg. But the new party has big plans - if it is allowed to have a say after the state elections in September.

Robert Crumbach, state chairman of the Brandenburg party Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht Brandenburg...
Robert Crumbach, state chairman of the Brandenburg party Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht Brandenburg (BSW).

State election - Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht questions the 2038 coal phase-out

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance in Brandenburg questions the coal phase-out agreed upon for 2038. The date applies only if the structural change in Lusatia is successful, said BSW Landesvorsitzendes Robert Crumbach during a party conference in Potsdam on Saturday. "If that's not the case, we won't get out of coal." The date will not be brought forward under any circumstances.

During the presentation of the program for the state election on September 22, Crumbach demanded various additional services from the state: more affordable housing, better care services, preservation of all clinics in Brandenburg threatened with closure, more teachers, free school meals, contribution-free kindergartens, investments in roads and rail, and better financial equipment for the municipalities. "Ignoring problems must stop," said the BSW Landeschef.

Crumbach did not mention financing proposals in his speech. According to the approved program, taxes and taxes are already too high for normal earners. Proposed are the relaxation of the debt brake and a Brandenburg federal initiative for the "reintroduction of the wealth tax for millionaires and billionaires".

Central in the program is the demand for peace negotiations for an end to Russia's war against Ukraine, as well as criticism of the Western sanctions against Russia. In addition, a "stop to uncontrolled migration" is demanded. In the draft, the goal of a cell phone ban in primary schools and the rejection of a speed limit of 120 km/h on autobahns can be found.

The former Left politician Sahra Wagenknecht founded her party in January. The Brandenburg state association has existed since May. According to party figures, it has approximately 40 members. In Potsdam, 31 voting members were present. In the European election in June, the BSW in Brandenburg received a vote share of 13.8%.

  1. Sahra Wagenknecht, the founder of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance, is from Brandenburg, where the alliance questions the coal phase-out agreed upon for 2038.
  2. During the Potsdam party conference, Robert Crumbach, the Landesvorsitzendes of the alliance in Brandenburg, stated that the date of coal phase-out might not be met if the structural change in Lusatia is not successful.
  3. In the run-up to the state election on September 22, Robert Crumbach demanded additional services from the state in Potsdam, including affordable housing, better care services, and investments in roads and rail.
  4. The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance, which received 13.8% in the European election in Brandenburg, is part of numerous demands, including peace negotiations for an end to Russia's war against Ukraine and a cell phone ban in primary schools.
  5. Robert Crumbach did not provide financing proposals during his speech at the party conference, but the BSW's approved program includes proposals for the relaxation of the debt brake and a Brandenburg federal initiative for the "reintroduction of the wealth tax for millionaires and billionaires."

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