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Alliance for Apprenticeships: 47 measures for more apprenticeships

With a bundle of almost 50 measures, a broad-based alliance aims to create and fill additional training places in Berlin. The planned steps include approaching active, former and new training companies, according to a list of measures published by the Senate Chancellery of the Alliance for...

Education - Alliance for Apprenticeships: 47 measures for more apprenticeships

With a bundle of almost 50 measures, a broad-based alliance aims to create and fill additional training places in Berlin. The planned steps include approaching active, former and new training companies, according to a list of measures published by the Senate Chancellery of the Alliance for Training. This also includes, for example, strengthening practical career guidance and training support, for example in climate-related professions.

The alliance of politicians, business associations, chambers, trade unions and the employment agency is also aiming to improve access to the job market for groups such as refugees, people with disabilities and young people without school-leaving qualifications. According to the information provided, new online channels are to be created for trainees to make anonymous complaints and seek advice. The establishment of a trainee work is also to be examined, which should make it easier to find accommodation, for example.

The aim of the alliance is to have 2000 additional training contracts signed by 2025. Berlin's Labor Senator Casel Kiziltepe (SPD) spoke of the agreements as a "roadmap for overcoming Berlin's imbalance on the training market". The CDU and SPD had anchored the Alliance for Apprenticeships in their coalition agreement. The background to this is the fact that the number of company training places has been falling for years. The parties had already agreed on several fields of action in August.

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