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Alleged tax evasion in Germany

In various federal states, households are receiving urgent demands to settle their income tax immediately. This is a scheme cooked up by deceitful individuals aiming to make a quick buck. There are a few ways to distinguish a phony tax notice from a genuine one.

Authorities in several federal states, such as Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, Lower Saxony, Bremen, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Saarland, have issued warnings about these fake tax notices. These notices claim that income tax payments are due promptly and are being sent via post, requesting payment via transfer. The Hannover authority advises to stay cautious if you haven't been anticipating a tax notice and unexpectedly receive such a letter.

The fake notices often list the sender as the relevant finance office with an incorrect address or claim to be from the "Financial Authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany." However, it's important to note that such a body does not exist in accordance with the Saxony Tax and Finance Office.

Inaccurate details can expose the scam

Fake notices often contain phone and fax numbers that do not align with the location. For instance, compare the tax numbers, information about the finance office, or the overall appearance of the notice to previous ones to spot inconsistencies.

Besides tax numbers, an incorrect internet address may be provided, or the notice might lack instructions on legal recourse. Checking the payment address could also reveal the fraud, as it usually isn't a bank account for the respective tax administration.

If you're unsure about the validity of the notice, reach out to the finance office listed on the notice. If it's a scam, report it to the police.

When in doubt about the authenticity of a tax notice, it's advisable to contact the finance office mentioned in the declaration. If you discover inconsistencies in the tax declaration, such as incorrect details or a lack of legal recourse instructions, it's likely a fraudulent document.

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