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Alleged right-wing extremist releases declaration.

Plans of right-wing terrorists to overthrow the government and treason: A man from the "Reichsbürger" movement has been on trial in Düsseldorf since Monday, intending to provide extensive testimony.

Several hundred participants in a demonstration march through the city center with flags of the...
Several hundred participants in a demonstration march through the city center with flags of the Kingdom of Prussia (black-white-black with eagle).

Far-right ideologies - Alleged right-wing extremist releases declaration.

A supposed extremist from the group called "Kaiserreichsgruppe" is set to give a detailed account of his involvement in the planned Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court. His two lawyers representing him in the high-security court in Düsseldorf confirmed that the 49-year-old man from Heiligenhaus, near Düsseldorf, would answer any questions posed by the court on Wednesday. So far, the defendant has refrained from speaking about the accusations against him.

According to prosecutor Isabel Booz, during the reading of the indictment, the "Kaiserreichsgruppe" had planned a putsch that aimed to replace our current democratic government with an authoritarian system. In several meetings, the 49-year-old individual had demonstrated his readiness to be part of the coup.

Read also:

  1. The 49-year-old Reichsbürger, facing charges in the North Rhine-Westphalia Higher Regional Court, has been linked to an alleged overthrow plan by the extremist group "Kaiserreichsgruppe."
  2. The court processes involving this individual have sparked concerns about far-right extremism and terrorism, as the group had planned to replace our democratic government with an authoritarian system.
  3. The trial in Düsseldorf will shed light on the Empire Group's involvement in the terrorism plot, including the 49-year-old's role in the planned Düsseldorf putsch.
  4. The Higher Regional Court in Düsseldorf is investigating the defendant's involvement in right-wing extremist activities, aiming to hold accountable those who promoted violent revolution in Rhineland-Palatinate.
  5. The man from Heiligenhaus, claimed to be one of the key figures in the "Kaiserreichsgruppe," faces justice for his alleged role in the terrorism and extremism case that has gripped Germany.
  6. The trial, a landmark in the fight against terrorism and extremism, is significant as it represents the country's commitment to upholding the rule of law and countering the threat posed by right-wing extremist groups.
  7. The defendant's lawyers will cautiously navigate the court proceedings, cognizant of the sensitivity and potential implications of the case, which has generated widespread concern about the rise of extremism in Germany.

