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Alleged racist attack in Grevesmühlen: Four youths under suspicion

Four young men are currently under investigation following the alleged racially motivated attack by youths on a Ghanaian family in Grevesmühlen in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. This was announced by the public prosecutor's office in Schwerin on Wednesday. They are suspected of causing grievous...


Alleged racist attack in Grevesmühlen: Four youths under suspicion

An incident approximately two weeks ago caused nationwide outrage - amongst other things due to initial reports of a targeted kick against an eight-year-old girl from the family. However, investigators later revised this account. According to their findings, a youth obstructed the way of a girl on a roller skate with his leg as she passed by, and inadvertently struck her with his foot.

The Schwerin Prosecutor's Office, in reference to their investigation on the Wednesday incident, spoke of a "brawl that ensued when the father of an eight-year-old girl of Ghanaian descent attempted to question the suspects, as well as other individuals present at the scene, due to a previous incident." The girl had informed her father that she had been prevented from continuing on her way and had been hit on the head by a foot.

"During the subsequent altercation between the suspects and the father of the girl, there were scuffles and threatening gestures from the youths, during which the injured party sustained injuries to the hand," the authority added. It was a "highly dynamic situation." Moreover, there was suspicion that the father had been racially insulted and that one of the youths had given a Hitler salute.

A charge of assault against the family father is also being considered. Two of the four suspects filed corresponding complaints against the man. These will also be examined, the prosecution stated.

According to their statements, investigations by a special investigation team of the police revealed that one of the suspects had a knife on them during the incident. However, they were prevented from further escalation by other members of the youth group. The investigators reportedly interviewed nearly 30 witnesses and evaluated images of the events from June 14th. They did not provide further details on the ages of the suspects.

  1. The incident in Grevesmühlen, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, which occurred two weeks ago, has been under investigation by the Schwerin Prosecutor's Office.
  2. There is suspicion that the father of the eight-year-old girl, who is of Ghanaian descent, was racially insulted during the altercation that ensued after he questioned the suspects about a previous incident.
  3. The investigators found that the girl was prevented from continuing on her way and was hit on the head by a foot, and that during the subsequent altercation, the father sustained injuries to his hand.
  4. A charge of assault against the family father is being considered, and two of the four teenagers involved have filed complaints against him.
  5. Investigations revealed that one of the suspects had a knife on them during the incident, but other members of the youth group prevented any further escalation.
  6. The Public prosecutor's office stated that they have interviewed nearly 30 witnesses and evaluated images of the events from June 14th, but they have not disclosed the ages of the suspects.

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