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Alleged main perpetrator arrested after attack in Kurpark

Two young men get into an argument with a group in the spa gardens in Bad Oeynhausen. One man is seriously injured and later dies. The police have now arrested a suspect.

A police patrol car is parked on the road with its flashing blue lights on.
A police patrol car is parked on the road with its flashing blue lights on.

Police - Alleged main perpetrator arrested after attack in Kurpark

After the fatal attack in the Kurpark of Bad Oeynhausen, the police have arrested a suspect. He is an 18-year-old from the city, according to investigators. He was arrested at his residence on a Wednesday and was to be presented before a magistrate judge on a Thursday.

"According to current knowledge, he is the main suspect who inflicted the fatal injuries on the 20-year-old victim," the investigators stated. The suspect's nationality was initially not disclosed by the police. Several media had previously reported on the matter.

The attack occurred in the early hours of Sunday morning. A 20-year-old had sustained severe injuries and died in the hospital a short time later. A murder commission is investigating the case for manslaughter and grievous bodily harm.

The 20-year-old and a 19-year-old companion were reportedly in conflict with a group of men in the Kurpark in Bad Oeynhausen during the incident. The men allegedly attacked and beat up their victims. One man reportedly dragged the 20-year-old away from the group and continued to attack him heavily. The 19-year-old sustained light injuries.

The police have called on witnesses to come forward. There was reportedly heavy activity in the Kurpark area during the incident, the officers explained - there had also been a larger event taking place. A possible suspect was described as wearing a conspicuously bright orange jacket by the investigators.

Press release from the Prosecutor's Office and Police Press Release

The arrest took place in North Rhine-Westphalia, specifically in Bad Oeynhausen, where the incident occurred. The suspect is expected to face charges of manslaughter and grievous bodily harm related to the crime.

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