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Alleged beer theft - woman alerts police

An upset woman calls the police - the reason: a 30-liter keg of beer for an evening party has suddenly disappeared. Three hours later, the alleged theft is solved.

A man holds up a pint of beer.
A man holds up a pint of beer.

Curiosities - Alleged beer theft - woman alerts police

A supposed criminal case turned out to be just a nice neighborhood act - and the desire for a cold beer. A woman alerted the police on Saturday because a 30 liter keg was missing from her carport in Schwaebisch Hall. According to the police, she intended to bring it to a party on Saturday evening. However, she discovered against noon that the keg was missing. She reported the supposed theft. After three hours, the woman gave the all-clear: A neighbor had taken the keg home to cool it. The man was also invited to the party - and brought the "well-tempered keg" with him.

Police statement

  1. The incident took place in Schwaebisch Hall, which is located in the German state of Baden-Württemberg.
  2. During the investigation, the Swabian Hall police encountered a colorful turn of events, involving a woman, a missing keg, and a neighbor.
  3. The criminal case turned out to be a simple misunderstanding, with the woman's missing keg of beer being safely stored by a friendly neighbor for the upcoming party.

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