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Allegations of plagiarism against AfD leader Weidel - university investigates

AfD federal leader Alice Weidel is facing accusations of plagiarism in connection with her doctoral thesis. The University of Bayreuth informed Deutsche Presse-Agentur on Friday that it was investigating a "suspicion of plagiarism". Weidel rejected the accusations in a video on the platform X...

Alice Weidel, leader of the AfD parliamentary group, speaks during the debate after a
Alice Weidel, leader of the AfD parliamentary group, speaks during the debate after a government statement on the budget situation in the Bundestag.

Parties - Allegations of plagiarism against AfD leader Weidel - university investigates

AfD federal leader Alice Weidel is facing accusations of plagiarism in connection with her doctoral thesis. The University of Bayreuth informed Deutsche Presse-Agentur on Friday that it was investigating a "suspicion of plagiarism". Weidel rejected the accusations in a video on the platform X (formerly Twitter). She spoke of a campaign against her personally in view of the AfD's relatively high poll ratings.

Previously, the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" ("SZ"/online Friday) had reported that two plagiarism investigators had contacted the University of Bayreuth. According to the report, they accuse Weidel of not or not sufficiently identifying the sources of individual passages, coherent sentences or even sentence fragments in her doctoral thesis from 2011, which was awarded "summa cum laude". The submitted text is available to the newspaper.

The University of Bayreuth announced: "The suspected plagiarism report has now been submitted to the Commission for Academic Integrity at the University of Bayreuth. It will decide whether formal investigation proceedings will be initiated." This decision is not expected before the end of January.

The "SZ" quoted the lead author of the text submitted to the university: "We do not see large-scale plagiarism in Ms. Weidel's dissertation, but many small fragments of plagiarism. There is a suspicion of plagiarism here." According to the newspaper, both authors wish to remain anonymous - for fear of possible danger to themselves and their relatives. However, they are known to the newspaper.

Weidel explained in her video: "My doctoral thesis has probably already been checked by dozens of plagiarism examiners, as detailed and attentive as they are inconclusive. Now, however, unknown persons have sent the Süddeutsche Zeitung an anonymous report in which no classic plagiarism has been discovered, but citation errors that have been blown up into plagiarism." The "political motivation" is obvious. "In the meantime, I have asked for an independent opinion from a scientist who comes to the conclusion, and I quote, "that the allegations are rejected as unfounded and the accusations of plagiarism are considered unfounded"." According to the SZ, the scientist is one of the authors Weidel is alleged to have used illegally. She herself said that she was relaxed about further developments.

Weidel is also chairwoman of the AfD in the Bundestag. In nationwide polls, the party currently stands at 20 to 23 percent, putting it in second place after the CDU/CSU and ahead of the SPD and the Greens.

Article Süddeutsche Video Weidel

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