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Alba urges focus: Challenging series versus Chemnitz

Alba initiates its semi-final matchup versus Chemnitz on Tuesday. Berliners anticipate a highly physical rival. Therefore, sauntering into the game with awe is crucial.

Der Chemnitzer Kaza Kajami-Keane (r) und Berlins Louis Olinde kämpfen um den Ball.
Der Chemnitzer Kaza Kajami-Keane (r) und Berlins Louis Olinde kämpfen um den Ball.

German Basketball League - Alba urges focus: Challenging series versus Chemnitz

The basketball squad of Alba Berlin anticipates a challenging battle against Niners Chemnitz in the semi-finals of the German league, predominantly on a physical level. According to wing player Louis Olinde, "This team is incredibly tough and physical. They're skilled at playing the game, but they are especially known for their relentless defense and physical play under the boards." Scoring the first game of their playoff series at home on Tuesday (8:30 pm/Dyn) is a priority.

Earlier games between the two teams indicate that Alba might be able to pull through these contests. As world champion Johannes Thiemann points out, "It's reassuring to have already registered victories against such a physically demanding opponent, but we are not expecting them to become softer in the playoffs." However, one potential variable in the series could be the referees' control over the matches. "Of course, it's beneficial when officials are strict with their foul calls and keep the game in check. However, we have limited influence over that factor," Thiemann added.

It's essential, according to coach Israel Gonzalez, to concentrate on aspects that can be controlled. In both conference matchups against Chemnitz, the Berliners have proven to have an edge, despite the volatility throughout their encounters. Center Khalifa Koumadje was ejected early in one game, while Chemnitz earned a sizable number of fouls in the other match, with four players being asked to leave the court prematurely. These predictions from experts predicting Alba as underdogs for the final is just background noise to the team. "Perhaps it's even more advantageous if we're doubted," mentioned Olinde.

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