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Aid for combating the oak processionary moth also in 2024

As they often travel in long marching rows, the appearance of the caterpillars is also described as a "procession". The animals' stinging hairs can have unpleasant consequences for humans. Many regions are fighting against the spread of the moths.

Nozzles on a helicopter. This is used to spray a biocide on areas infested by the oak
Nozzles on a helicopter. This is used to spray a biocide on areas infested by the oak processionary moth.

Environment - Aid for combating the oak processionary moth also in 2024

The animals' poisonous stinging hairs can lead to allergic reactions: Oak processionary moths are also active in Saxony-Anhalt, and in 2024 the state will once again support local authorities in combating the butterfly caterpillars. "Funds amounting to one million euros are once again available to provide financial support to local authorities to prevent health hazards caused by the oak processionary moth in residential areas," said the Ministry of Social Affairs in Magdeburg when asked. Six million euros were made available from 2019 to 2023.

In 2023, eight districts and independent cities benefited from the funding program: the Altmarkkreis Salzwedel, the districts of Anhalt-Bitterfeld, Börde, Stendal, Wittenberg and the cities of Dessau-Roßlau, Halle and Magdeburg. A large proportion of the one million euros available last year was also spent.

"The grants were used to support both the control of early larval stages from the air or from the ground using biocidal products and nematodes, as well as the mechanical or physical control of the spider nests," said a ministry spokeswoman.

The oak processionary moth is a moth that has spread rapidly in Germany in recent years. From the third larval stage onwards, the caterpillars have poisonous stinging hairs, which can lead to allergic reactions such as itching, rashes, eye irritation or breathing difficulties if they come into contact with the skin or are inhaled.

In the Börde district, for example, the responsible employees in the Office for Road Construction and Maintenance determine the locations of infested trees every year. This allows the necessary measures to be planned, the district announced. A specialist company takes over the control. In 2023, chemical control was carried out on 3769 oak trees along the district roads in spring, it said. In addition, the nests of the pests on around 820 oak trees were vacuumed and professionally disposed of as a second step in the fall of this year.

Read also:

  1. Besides Saxony-Anhalt, the oak processionary moth poses a health risk in various environmental regions, requiring similar combat strategies. For instance, in Magdeburg, local authorities receive funding to prevent health issues caused by this pest.
  2. The European Environment Agency emphasizes the importance of animal welfare and health. In this regard, the control of pests like the oak processionary moth is a crucial part of preserving the well-being of both people and animals.
  3. While combating the oak processionary moth in Saxony-Anhalt, it's essential to consider the impact on local wildlife and the environment. For example, biocidal products and nematodes used for controlling the larval stages should minimize harm to other ecosystems.




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