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Agricultural relief agreed upon by traffic light parliamentary coalitions

Agricultural relief and competition enhancement for German agriculture is the agreed-upon package of measures from the "traffic light" groups in the Bundestag. According to parliamentary leaders Rolf Mützenich (SPD), Britta Hasselmann (Greens), and Christian Dürr (FDP), this pledge will...

Vineyard near Würzburg
Vineyard near Würzburg

Agricultural relief agreed upon by traffic light parliamentary coalitions

Here's a rephrased version of the text with a casual, simplified tone:

They've sifted through about 200 state proposals, the faction bigwigs said. Implementation, they added, needs joint effort between the federal government and the states. The deal, as per their statements, involves something called tax smoothing. "This helps level out income fluctuations due to weather changes, like extended dry spells," they explained.

This particular package originated from the farmers' protests late last year. Across the nation, farmers orchestrated continuous rallies and caused traffic disruptions with blockades. The catalyst was news about a proposed cut in agricultural diesel subsidies. But soon, the protests shifted focus to agriculture policy in general, criticizing regulations related to farmers' environmental and animal welfare practices.

The federal government and the factions had promised to cook up relief proposals by summer. The EU Commission took notice of the farmers' protests, which occurred in several nations, and loosened up various environmental regulations. The federal government later reasserted these regulations, and a vote on them in the Bundestag is scheduled for the upcoming week.

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