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Agricultural harm has not yet been specified by Kaniber.

Agriculture Minister Michaela Kaniber from the CSU stated that it is challenging to determine the magnitude of the destruction caused by the floods to the agricultural sector. During a visit to a flooded farm in Tapfheim, Donau-Ries district, on Monday, she mentioned that both grassland and...

Water is standing in a field.
Water is standing in a field.

Inundation: Large Scale Water Overflowing - Agricultural harm has not yet been specified by Kaniber.

Kaniber likewise addressed the worries of farmers and livestock breeders that they might not be able to meet specific deadlines or conditions for rewards in view of the floods, which could keep them from getting any funding. European law is quite emphatic about this issue, stressed the CSU politician. "This is why it's truly important that we can also express here: recognition, there's a case for rewards. There are no fines," she said.

Simultaneously, Kaniber appealed to the federal government to assist in covering the damage payments. She requested Federal Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir (Greens) to approach the Finance Minister and assert, "We're truly managing our food producers here. We urgently need support."

Read also:

  1. The Minister of Agriculture in Bavaria, Cem Özdemir (Greens), was urged by Kaniber to lobby for financial aid from the Finance Minister, emphasizing the importance of supporting local farmers and livestock breeders affected by the storm and flood in the Danube-Ries region.
  2. As the Minister of Agriculture in Bavaria, Cem Özdemir acknowledged the challenges faced by farmers and livestock breeders in meeting their deadlines or conditions for rewards, given the agriculture-affecting floods in the Danube-Ries area, and assured they would not be penalized.
  3. In the midst of a damaging storm and flood in the Danube-Ries region of Bavaria, the Minister of Agriculture, Cem Özdemir, expressed concerns over potential agricultural harm and urged the federal government for assistance in covering the resulting damage payments.
  4. The Minister of Agriculture in Bavaria, Cem Özdemir, expressed concerns regarding farmers and livestock breeders affected by the flooding in the Danube-Ries area, emphasizing the importance of providing support to minimize the losses and ensure continued agriculture in the region.



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