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Agencies are looking for Santas and angels

Families in Berlin and Brandenburg like to book Santas and angels, but the search for performers is always a challenge for agents.

Families in Berlin and Brandenburg like to book Santa Clauses and
Families in Berlin and Brandenburg like to book Santa Clauses and

Agencies are looking for Santas and angels

There is also a shortage of skilled workers in the Christmas industry. Santa Claus actors are rare and the staffing levels for angels are also thin - recruitment agencies in Berlin and Brandenburg are therefore actively searching using various strategies. "I approach women who look angelic directly on the street or ask fellow actresses," says Angela Jehring, herself an actress and owner of the "Engel in Berlin" agency. For Santas, she likes to rely on recommendations from friends.

In her opinion, the pool of staff for both angels and Santas could be larger, as the demand is there. "It happens all the time that angels start families and are no longer available for Christmas," says Jehring.

Tobias Groß from the Christmas recruitment agency "Weihnachtsmann2Go" also relies on personal searches: "We go to canteens at Berlin universities and approach students directly," says Groß. This is how he himself was once recruited as a Santa Claus. In a personal conversation, he says, it is also easy to convey to potential candidates that it is not just the very good pay that is an argument for the job as Santa Claus.

"It's also hugely rewarding and a great experience for the Santas themselves," says Groß. You get very personal access to families and experience lots of great moments. "It's simply an incomparable job," he says. And you earn good money. According to the "Santa2Go" website, you can earn 500 euros or more in a single evening as a Santa Claus.

Monika Kubau from the Berlin Santa Claus Center hopes to increase her staff of Santas by placing advertisements. "Previous experience is not really necessary, but the Santas should have some acting talent," she says. In order to make as many children's eyes light up as possible, it is also necessary for the Santas to be mobile with a car, says the agent from Hohen Neuendorf.

Despite the high demand for Santas and angels during Christmas, recruitment strategies are needed due to the scarcity of skilled workers in the industry. For instance, Angela Jehring, an actress and owner of the "Engel in Berlin" agency, finds potential angels on the street or through recommendations, while she relies on personal references for Santas.

Fixing this issue, Tobias Groß from the "Weihnachtsmann2Go" agency approaches students in Berlin university canteens directly, offering them the opportunity to earn well while also providing a rewarding and unforgettable experience as a Santa Claus.




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