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After turbulence: What's next for documenta?

The 2023 documenta was also the subject of controversy. Following new accusations of anti-Semitism, the world art exhibition in Kassel is facing many questions and challenges.

Art - After turbulence: What's next for documenta?

documenta also made headlines in 2023. Following the anti-Semitism scandal at the 15th edition of the world art exhibition in Kassel in 2022, things continued to be turbulent with the resignation of the selection committee for the artistic direction of documenta 16. The show faces major challenges. "Our goal must be to show that it is still possible to present critical art in Germany," says Managing Director Andreas Hoffmann. "We have to ensure artistic freedom and at the same time make it clear that documenta is taking place in a country with a history - in the country that invented the Shoah with the cruel murder of six million Jews."

In this situation, which is unique in the history of documenta, the main aim must be to regain trust. In the reasons for the resignation of the selection committee, doubts become clear as to whether the framework is currently sufficient in Germany to present critical art. "Obviously, there is the reservation of censorship or the impossibility of debate," says Hoffmann.

The documenta fifteen had already been overshadowed by an anti-Semitism scandal. Following renewed accusations of anti-Semitism against a member of the selection committee for the Artistic Director of documenta 16, first this member and later the entire selection committee resigned in mid-November. The six-member committee was to propose a curator or collective for the next edition of documenta in 2027 by the end of 2023 or early 2024.

According to Hoffmann, the resignation of the selection committee must be seen in the light of the terrorist attacks by Hamas on October 7, 2023. The challenging situation for documenta has been exacerbated by the overall social situation. "It is therefore right to say that we need a moment of calm, of pause - a fresh start to see where we stand and how we can get things back on track." In his opinion, the discovery process should be suspended until the structures of the documenta have been adapted.

The basis for this should be a recently published external investigation commissioned by the documenta supervisory board to deal with the anti-Semitism incidents last year. The most important recommendations that the documenta committees now have to vote on are the retention of the selection committee with adjustments and the implementation of two codes of conduct that are intended to ensure the protection of human dignity and artistic freedom. The Supervisory Board as the main supervisory body is to be emphasized and at the same time reduced from nine to five members. The federal government is to be given a voting seat on the board, but is not to become a shareholder. The responsibilities of management and artistic direction are to be clarified and a scientific advisory board introduced.

Recommendations that are met with approval: "I believe that they are essentially good," says Kassel architecture professor Philipp Oswalt, for example. The former director of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation was also involved in the founding of the documenta Institute and observes the documenta as a researcher. In his opinion, the proposals are suitable for establishing a basis of trust "because they are sensible rules that prevent or rule out a number of problems that have arisen in the past". They attempt to establish clear accountability and find a sensible balance between the protection of human dignity and artistic freedom.

However, Oswalt believes that the role of cultural policy in the supervisory board, which is supposed to select the scientific advisory board, remains too strong in the recommendations. "There are other models. And I believe that the documenta crisis also has a lot to do with mistakes made by those politically responsible," says the expert.

He also sees an opportunity in the debate about the documenta. Fundamental questions that move a great many people are being negotiated. "In this respect, crisis situations like this are always productive because they lead to innovations." Innovations that are just as necessary as the conflicts surrounding the documenta in order to clarify social issues. "If you do this responsibly, I am confident that you will find calmer waters again."

With a view to the upcoming documenta, Managing Director Hoffmann emphasizes: "One thing is clear: there must not and will not be any preliminary examination of the art by the management or committees. However, in the case of contributions that turn out to be anti-Semitic or show other content that points to the area of group-specific humanity, we have the possibility of direct dialogue, contextualization and - but only within the framework of criminal law relevance - to remove works from the exhibition in extreme cases, even against the will of the artistic direction."

In view of such content, documenta must be prepared to actively shape the discourse and create spaces for discourse. It must restore the lost tolerance of ambiguity - the ability to tolerate ambiguity - without denying its clear commitment against anti-Semitism and any form of group-specific misanthropy. "It's a balancing act and currently a major challenge."

Hoffmann remains open as to whether documenta 16 can begin as planned on June 12, 2027. "The problem last year was that a new process was started with an old operating system. We shouldn't get ourselves into trouble now," he says. When documenta 16 takes place is not the highest priority, "but that it succeeds, that it remains courageous and relevant."

Alongside the Venice Biennale, documenta is considered the most important exhibition of contemporary art. It traditionally takes place every five years.

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