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After threat in Göppingen: Bavarian authorities sensitized

After the threat against a Christmas market in Göppingen, the security authorities in Bavaria have been sensitized. This was announced by the Ministry of the Interior on Sunday. However, there are currently no findings that indicate a specific threat to Christmas markets in Bavaria.

A policewoman wears a Bavarian police badge.
A policewoman wears a Bavarian police badge.

Internal security - After threat in Göppingen: Bavarian authorities sensitized

After the threat against a Christmas market in Göppingen, the security authorities in Bavaria have been sensitized. This was announced by the Ministry of the Interior on Sunday. However, there are currently no findings that indicate a specific threat to Christmas markets in Bavaria.

"In view of the volatile global political situation, however, we are extremely vigilant", it said. The terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel in particular could incite extremists to carry out attacks.

Thepolice and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution are working closely together and are in close contact with colleagues in other federal states and the federal authorities. The aim is to make markets as secure as possible.

At the same time, the security measures should not disrupt the peaceful and contemplative pre-Christmas atmosphere. "There is no reason not to visit a Christmas market.

The organizers are responsible for the security of the individual markets and coordinate their security concepts with the police and security authorities.

The Christmas market in Göppingen in Baden-Württemberg was evacuated on Saturday evening due to a threat situation. The market was reopened on Sunday.

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