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After the shooting: Psychological help for Offenburg school

It is now a week since a 15-year-old in Offenburg allegedly shot and killed a fellow pupil of the same age. The school is slowly returning to lessons, but psychological help is still needed.

Candles and flowers lie in front of the entrance to the Waldbach
Candles and flowers lie in front of the entrance to the Waldbach

After the shooting: Psychological help for Offenburg school

Following the fatal shooting at a school in Offenburg, the school community will continue to be supported by psychologists in the coming week. According to the Freiburg Regional Council, the school psychological counseling center will remain on site with several employees. Since Monday, members of the school community have had the opportunity to have one-to-one conversations with the psychologists. "This service is very much in demand from children, young people, parents and teachers," said a spokesperson for the authorities.

In the coming week, there should also be more lessons again in order to "gradually and cautiously" return to school life, the spokesperson added. More and more lessons have been taking place since Thursday. The pupils have also been demanding this, the statement continued. The class level from which the suspected perpetrator and the victim come from went "at their own pace".

A 15-year-old pupil is suspected of shooting dead a peer at the special needs school in Offenburg last Thursday. The German suspect has since been in custody on suspicion of manslaughter. The attack is said to have taken place in the suspect's 9th grade class. The 15-year-old pupil is said to have entered his classroom and shot his classmate in the back of the head with a handgun. Investigators had also reported in a press conference that the alleged attacker had also tried in vain to ignite a Molotov cocktail he had brought with him.

The shooting incident at the school has led to heightened security measures, with police conducting thorough investigations to ensure the safety of the students. In light of this traumatic event, it's crucial that crime prevention education is integrated into school curriculums to help students understand the consequences of such actions.




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