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After the death of the 17-year-old in Kiel: Ex-boyfriend sentenced to five years in juvenile detention

A young man from the Kiel District Court was sentenced to a five-year youth prison term for stabbing his ex-girlfriend during a car escape. The defendant was sentenced on Monday, among other things, for manslaughter in conjunction with kidnapping resulting in death, the court spokesman announced.


After the death of the 17-year-old in Kiel: Ex-boyfriend sentenced to five years in juvenile detention

The incident had occurred on October 18th of the previous year, according to the indictment. It is alleged that there was a fight in a flat in Kiel between the 20-year-old accused and his 17-year-old ex-girlfriend, during which the accused is said to have shot her with a weapon.

There was another man in the flat. When this man tried to flee with the teenager in an automobile, the armed accused forced him to get out. Afterwards, he is said to have driven away and stabbed his ex-girlfriend in the heart with a knife.

The assailant is then said to have decided to take her to the hospital. However, he caused a traffic accident during this process. The 17-year-old died in the hospital.

  1. Despite being just seventeen-years-old, the ex-girlfriend had an ex-friend who was present during the incident in Kiel.
  2. The case involving the seventeen-year-old's death was heard at the High Court Kiel, with the accused, a twenty-year-old, facing charges of youth punishment for body harm.
  3. Kiel's court proceedings revealed that the accused had caused severe harm to his ex-girlfriend, leading to her tragic death on the same day as the auto accident.
  4. The accused, despite his actions, had initially planned to drive his ex-girlfriend to the hospital after the heated argument, but Tod's actions resulted in an auto accident, leading to his ex-girlfriend's death after years of shared memories.
  5. The incident and subsequent trial brought attention to the need for stricter regulations on youth punishment and the implications of ex-friendships in Kiel and beyond.

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