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After tallying all voting districts, the CDU emerges victorious in Saxony's election.

In the recently concluded Saxony state election, the CDU emerged victorious, outperforming the AfD. According to the state election committee's declaration early on Monday, the CDU, led by Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer, secured a impressive 31.9% share. The AfD, tagged as a far-right...

After tallying all voting districts, the CDU emerges victorious in Saxony's election.

The recently established alliance, known as Sahra Wagenknecht's Group (BSW), garnered an impressive 11.8% of the votes in the election, placing it as the third most powerful force, as per the verified counting. The SPD obtained 7.3%, and the Greens just barely surpassed the requirement to rejoin the state parliament with a 5.1% share. Unfortunately, The Left fell short of the 5% threshold, earning 4.5%, but they were able to secure a spot in the state parliament through direct mandates.

In the upcoming 120-member parliament in Dresden, the CDU is estimated to secure 42 seats, while the Alternative for Germany (AfD) will claim 40. The BSW will hold 15 seats, and the SPD will retain 10. The Greens will have 7 mandates, while the Left will control 6. Notably, Matthias Berger, the head of the Free Voters, also obtained a direct mandate.

The BSW, led by Sahra Wagenknecht's group from The SPD, will hold 15 seats in the upcoming Dresden parliament. Despite not meeting the 5% threshold, The Left managed to secure 6 seats due to direct mandates.

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