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After shots fired from car: further trial for feud

Two rival groups are openly feuding. Dozens of men are arrested and a hand grenade even explodes. A lot of work for the police and judiciary. Now another trial has begun.

Police officers secure a crime scene where a man has been shot.
Police officers secure a crime scene where a man has been shot.

Justice - After shots fired from car: further trial for feud

The four shots were fired from a moving car in the early hours of the morning and smashed through the windows of the shisha bar at Plochingen station. A stray bullet slightly injured the landlord, two other guests escaped with a scare. The suspected shooter and his companion are caught after the attack at the beginning of April and now have to answer to the Stuttgart district court in the coming weeks for attempted murder and grievous bodily harm.

The trial, which began on Thursday in the Stammheim high-security courtroom with the arraignment, is just another chapter in the long and bloody gang war between two rival groups from Stuttgart and the Neckar Valley. For several months now, the feud has repeatedly led to acts of violence. People have also been shot at on several occasions. There have been incidents in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, in Asperg in the Ludwigsburg district and in Eislingen in the Göppingen district, among others. According to the State Office of Criminal Investigation, more than 50 arrests have been made so far.

According to the public prosecutor's office, the 23-year-old men accused after the Plochingen shootings - a Greek and a Turk - are believed to belong to the Zuffenhausen group. According to the public prosecutor's office, however, the bar is presumably frequented by guests who are close to the Esslingen group.

The trial concerning the shooting in Plochingen is not the only ongoing trial at the district court. In two other trials, chambers are dealing with the climax of the feud so far, the attack with a hand grenade on a mourning congregation in Altbach near Esslingen on June 9. In one trial, the confessed alleged grenade thrower is on trial, accused of attempted murder. In another trial, a group of five visitors to the funeral are in the dock of the youth chamber, accused of attempted manslaughter and dangerous bodily harm. They are said to have grabbed the alleged grenade thrower as he fled, beaten him up and inflicted life-threatening injuries.

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