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After sex in the church: altar probably needs to be blessed again

Light casts the shadow of a cross through a church
Light casts the shadow of a cross through a church

After sex in the church: altar probably needs to be blessed again

After sex in a church in Upper Bavaria, the altar may have to be blessed again. "Such a desecration is to be remedied by a penitential rite in accordance with the liturgical books, particularly with regard to the religious feelings of the faithful," said a spokesperson for the responsible archdiocese of Munich and Freising. Such a penitential rite provides for the altar to be covered and blessed anew with incense and holy water.

A trial against a 39-year-old man from Rosenheim began at Traunstein District Court on Wednesday - among other things because he is alleged to have had sex with his wife near the altar in the Catholic church in Schechen near Rosenheim and to have taken pictures of it.

The Rosenheim-born man, who did not comment on the numerous accusations against him at the start of the trial, is accused, among other things, of disturbing the practice of religion. According to the indictment, he committed "insulting mischief" in a "place dedicated to the worship of a religious community".

"According to canon law, sacred places are desecrated by acts that seriously offend and cause offense to the faithful," explained the diocese spokesperson. The incident that has now come to light could disturb the religious sensibilities of the local faithful, which is why it is likely that the diocese will decide to apply the described penitential rite. However, such a decision has not yet been made.

"Cases like this are very rare," said the spokesperson. None are known from the recent past.

The court has scheduled a total of six trial days for the trial against the 39-year-old, who is also charged with assault, deprivation of liberty, threats and fraud. The verdict could therefore be handed down on December 13.

The disturbance of the man's actions has raised questions about the need for religious processes. According to the indictment, his actions constitute a violation of the sanctity of sacred places, as acknowledged by religious authorities.




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