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After sex in church: woman must also stand trial

After having sex in a church in Upper Bavaria, the man involved and his wife must now also stand trial. The trial against her is scheduled for the beginning of February at Rosenheim district court, a spokesperson announced on Thursday. A penalty order was initially issued against the woman....

A figure of the blind Justitia.
A figure of the blind Justitia.

Process - After sex in church: woman must also stand trial

After having sex in a church in Upper Bavaria, the man involved and his wife must also stand trial. The trial against her is scheduled for the beginning of February at Rosenheim district court, a spokesperson announced on Thursday. A penalty order was initially issued against the woman. Because she lodged an appeal against this, she will now be brought before a judge.

The defendant's husband has already been on trial at Traunstein District Court since this month - among other things because he allegedly had sex with her near the altar in the Catholic church in Schechen near Rosenheim and took pictures of it. The Rosenheim-born man, who according to the court did not comment on the numerous accusations against him at the start of the trial, is accused of, among other things, disturbing the practice of religion. According to the indictment, he committed "insulting mischief" in a "place dedicated to the worship of a religious community". He is also charged with assault, deprivation of liberty, threats and fraud.

The altar in the church may have to be re-consecrated after the act. The decision as to whether this will happen has not yet been made, according to a spokesperson for the responsible archdiocese of Munich and Freising. According to the church, such a rite involves covering the altar and re-blessing it with incense and holy water. "Such a desecration is to be remedied by a penitential rite in accordance with the liturgical books, particularly with regard to the religious feelings of the faithful," said the diocese spokesperson.

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