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After Pisa results: Stolz announces support programs

Bavaria's Education Minister Anna Stolz (Free Voters) has announced support programs for math and German following Germany's poor performance in the Pisa study. During a visit to a school in Munich on Thursday, the minister described the results of the international comparative test as "alarming".

Minister of Culture - After Pisa results: Stolz announces support programs

Bavaria's Education Minister Anna Stolz (Free Voters) has announced support programs for math and German following Germany's poor performance in the Pisa study. During a visit to a school in Munich on Thursday, the minister described the results of the international comparative test as "alarming".

Minister President Markus Söder (CSU) also emphasized the urgency of the issue of education. "It can't stay like this in the long term. We have had a downward trend in educational results throughout Germany for years," said Söder at the meeting in a Munich secondary school.

Schools today face much greater challenges and have to manage integration and inclusion. This leads to a "huge overload" for teachers, said Söder.

It is crucial that German is learned properly first, said Söder. "Today we are talking about foreign languages where German is not yet spoken properly."

Stolz reiterated Söder's call for more focus to be placed on basic skills. In elementary school, the focus should be on arithmetic, writing and reading.

At the same time, the minister emphasized that the key to good education is having enough teachers with basic training. "In this respect, we will now quickly create new jobs," said Stolz. In the short term, the existing lateral entry programs are also good for this. However, the aim must also be to make the profession more attractive through more flexibility and more practical phases in training.

She also wants to relieve the burden on existing teaching staff through additional administrative staff and a reduction in bureaucracy, said the Minister. "I want our teachers to be able to concentrate on their core business again, i.e. their educational work, to have more time for the children and more time for education."

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