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After more than 20 years: Sartorius CEO announces retirement

He has been at the helm of the Göttingen-based DAX-listed company Sartorius since 2003. Joachim Kreuzburg has now announced his retirement. However, there is still time to find a successor.

Sartorius CEO Joachim Kreuzburg announces his retirement from the top of the Group.
Sartorius CEO Joachim Kreuzburg announces his retirement from the top of the Group.

Personnel - After more than 20 years: Sartorius CEO announces retirement

The long-standing Sartorius CEO Joachim Kreuzburg will step down from the helm of the Dax-Group. He will not seek another contract extension in 2025, according to the Göttingen Pharma and Laboratory Supplier. However, he will complete his contract, which runs until November 2025.

"The Supervisory Board will now begin the succession process calmly and carefully," announced the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Lothar Kappich. At the same time, he regretted Kreuzburg's departure. "Sartorius owes Joachim Kreuzburg extraordinary thanks."

Kreuzburg has been at the helm of the company since 2003. Under his leadership, the company climbed to the DAX index of the largest stock-listed companies in Germany in 2021. During the Corona pandemic, the Pharma and Laboratory Supplier significantly expanded its business. "After so many years leading this unique company, I want more freedom and time for new themes and projects in the future," said the 59-year-old in a statement. He does not want to take on an operational leadership position at another company.

"The search for a new CEO will take place in Lower Saxony, where Sartorius is headquartered in Goettingen."

"Despite stepping down, Kreuzburg's significant contributions to the pharmaceuticals industry, particularly at Sartorius, will remain part of his personal details."

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