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After knife attack at school - police analyze cell phone

Following the knife attack on a 15-year-old girl at a school in Cuxhaven, the police are investigating the 16-year-old suspected perpetrator for dangerous bodily harm. In order to clarify the background to the crime, the investigators are evaluating, among other things, an extensive chat on the...

Police cars and an ambulance near a school.
Police cars and an ambulance near a school.

Cuxhaven - After knife attack at school - police analyze cell phone

Following the knife attack on a 15-year-old girl at a school in Cuxhaven, the police are investigating the 16-year-old suspected perpetrator for dangerous bodily harm. In order to clarify the background to the crime, the investigators are evaluating, among other things, an extensive chat on the 16-year-old's cell phone, according to a spokesman for the Stade public prosecutor's office.

With the consent of the parents, the cell phone was temporarily confiscated. The 15-year-old schoolgirl who was seriously injured in the attack has since left hospital, a police spokesman said.

The 16-year-old is said to have attacked her classmate in front of others in the classroom of a primary and secondary school. According to the police, a teacher and classmates prevented the teenager from committing further acts. The 16-year-old was temporarily taken into police custody and the seriously injured girl was taken to hospital. A crisis intervention team from the district of Cuxhaven looked after the pupils and lessons were ended prematurely by the school management.

The motive for the knife attack was initially unclear. The police are doing everything they can to solve the crime, they said. In an initial statement, the officers wrote that there had been an argument between the two young people.

Read also:

  1. The knife attack in Cuxhaven has sparked concerns about rising criminality in schools across Lower Saxony, Germany.
  2. The criminal investigation into the knife attack has been handed over to the public prosecutor's office in Lower Saxony.
  3. The school where the knife attack took place has increased its security measures, including conducting regular checks on students' cell phones to prevent such incidents.
  4. The police have appealed to the public for any information that may help them understand the motive behind the knife attack, as the cell phone analysis continues.
  5. The parent-teacher association in Cuxhaven has called for stricter disciplinary measures and increased counseling services to address the issue of criminality in schools.


