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After flight disruptions: Crowd at the Elbe Canal

Many air travelers stranded due to the global IT failure in Britain try their luck at the English Channel. The harbor manager of Dover encourages them - under a condition.

Hundreds of stranded travelers try to come to Europe by ferry.
Hundreds of stranded travelers try to come to Europe by ferry.

IT-issues - After flight disruptions: Crowd at the Elbe Canal

After numerous flight disruptions due to global computer issues, many travelers in Britain are switching to connections at the English Channel. The port of Dover urges people to make a reservation in advance.

"We are observing hundreds of stranded flight passengers arriving at the port. Please ensure that you have a booking upon arrival," said a statement from the port at the English Channel.

Download a ticket en route if necessary

There were initial reports in the morning of long waiting times at the main ferry route from Great Britain to France.

The Kent County Council warned against traveling to the port or the Eurotunnel without a reservation. "Both the ferries from Dover and the shuttle train are not accepting unscheduled passengers today. Please book in advance before traveling to the port," the statement read on X.

The harbor manager, Doug Bannister, urged stranded passengers to come to Dover despite this. "We have capacity," he told the British Press Association. Stranded people should buy and download a ticket on the way if necessary.

Due to global IT problems, numerous flights at several airports in Great Britain fell on Friday. Many holidaymakers were therefore unable to start their trips as planned.

  1. To avoid any additional delays, some travelers are opting for land travel via the English Channel's arm canal, bypassing the air traffic disruptions caused by the global computer issues.
  2. Stranded passengers, seeking alternative means of travel, can consider taking the ferry from Folkestone in the United Kingdom, which, while impacted by computer problems, still has booking availability.
  3. Traveling to Folkestone from Great Britain by road isn't a straightforward journey; however, accurate and up-to-date information technology can aid in locating the nearest booking center and scheduling a reservation.
  4. The arm canal offers a unique, albeit different, experience compared to the disrupted air traffic, and may just bring unexpected happiness to travelers who find their journey taking a detour.
  5. In light of the computer problem affecting air traffic, passengers should prepare for potential issues and plan their Dover port departure accordingly, ensuring they carry printouts of their tickets or have downloaded them on a reliable device.

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