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After fires in Varel: Two 15-year-olds confess to a crime

An emergency vehicle of the fire department.
An emergency vehicle of the fire department.

Investigations - After fires in Varel: Two 15-year-olds confess to a crime

Five fires in Varel, in the Friesland district, have seen two 15-year-olds admit to a crime. Initially, it was unclear whether the two teenagers were responsible for the other fires, as the Varel police announced on Friday. The investigations of the Varel police are in full swing and have now led to success in the case of a fire in the protected Hansa building on Shrove Tuesday. Following a witness call, the two 15-year-olds were suspected. During interrogation, the teenagers confessed to the police, according to the police, to having set the fire. The investigators have initiated investigative proceedings against both for arson. In addition, the police are investigating whether the 15-year-olds are also responsible for other offenses.

Press release of the police.

The fires in Varel, situated in the County of Friesland, have raised concerns within Lower Saxony's law enforcement. The two confessed 15-year-olds are now under investigation for arson, following their admission to setting fire to the protected Hansa building. Furthermore, the police are investigating if these teenagers are linked to other crimes and fires in the area.

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