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After deadly drone strike: Israel targets Huthis in Yemen for the first time

A day after a lethal drone attack on Tel Aviv allegedly supported by the Huthis from Iran, Israel reportedly retaliated for the first time directly by targeting Huthi militia targets in Yemen. fighter jets reportedly targeted "military targets of the Huthi terrorist regime in the Hodeida port...

Fire in Öllage, Hodeidah, after Israeli attack
Fire in Öllage, Hodeidah, after Israeli attack

After deadly drone strike: Israel targets Huthis in Yemen for the first time

According to experts, this was the first Israeli attack on the approximately 2000 kilometer distant Yemen. The attack on Hodeida on Saturday was a response "to hundreds of attacks" from the pro-Iranian Huthis on Israel in the past few months, the Israeli army declared.

The Israeli counter-attack caused a large fire, three people were killed and 87 others were injured, according to the Yemeni news agency Saba, citing the health ministry controlled by the Huthis. Most of them suffered severe burns. The fire department was still fighting the flames on Sunday, according to Huthi reports.

Israel's Defense Minister Yoav Gallant stated after the attack that the Huthis had attacked Israel more than 200 times - now that they had caused damage to an Israeli for the first time, Israel had reacted.

"The fire that is currently burning in Hodeida is visible throughout the Middle East, and the significance is clear," Gallant declared. "The blood of Israeli citizens has a price," he emphasized. "We have shown this clearly in Lebanon, in Gaza, in Yemen, and at other places - if they dare to attack us, the result will be the same." Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also emphasized in a television address that Israel would defend itself "with all means."

In the night from Friday to Saturday, a Huthi drone attack on Tel Aviv resulted in one death. Gallant had previously threatened a harsh response. Army spokesman Daniel Hagari stated that the Huthi militia used the port in Hodeida "as the main logistics route for the transfer of Iranian weapons." This also applied to the drone used in the attack on Tel Aviv.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz declared that the attack in Yemen was also a warning to Iran. He called on the international community to "maximize sanctions" against Tehran.

Explosions were heard in Hodeida after the air raids. A large smoke cloud was visible over the city. Huthi militia spokesman Jahja Saree threatened a "unavoidable and massive" response and declared that the Shia militia had fired ballistic missiles towards the Israeli resort town of Eilat on the Red Sea.

Previously, the Israeli army had intercepted another missile launched from Yemen, according to its own statements. The missile aimed at Eilat did not reach Israeli territory, but an air raid warning was issued to warn of possible falling debris.

The Islamist Huthis control large parts of Yemen. They have been in a civil war with the internationally recognized Yemeni government since 2014, and have controlled the capital Sanaa since then.

Since November, the Huthis have been intercepting cargo ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden with alleged connections to Israel. According to their own statements, they want to support Palestinians in the conflict between Israel and the radical Islamic Hamas in the Gaza Strip in this way. Like Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Huthis consider themselves part of the Iran-led "Axis of Resistance" against Israel. The leadership in Tehran denies Israel's right to exist.

Meanwhile, the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Palestinian Hamas organization attacked Israel again with rockets. The Hezbollah declared on Saturday that they had fired "dozens of Katyusha rockets" for the first time on the northern Israeli town of Dafna. Later, the armed wing of Hamas reported that they had fired a rocket salvo from the southern Lebanon towards the Upper Galilee.

Since the war in Gaza started, Hezbollah has been attacking Israel from Lebanon nearly every day. Thousands of people have had to leave their homes in northern Israel since then. Israel responds with attacks in the neighboring country.

The war was triggered by an unprecedented attack by the radical Islamic Hamas on Israel on October 7. According to Israeli reports, 1195 people were killed and 251 were taken hostage in the Gaza Strip. 116 of them are reportedly still in Hamas's custody. In response, Israel has been militarily active in the Gaza Strip since then. According to unverifiable reports from Hamas, over 38,900 people have been killed since then.

International efforts to establish a ceasefire and release the hostages have been unsuccessful for months. Thousands of Israelis demonstrated again on Saturday for a hostage exchange deal. They urged Netanyahu to sign such an agreement with Hamas before his US trip. "First, the contract must be signed and then we can go to Washington," said demonstrator Ofira Asrieli in Tel Aviv.

Netanyahu is scheduled to fly to the US according to his office on Monday. He is expected to meet with US President Joe Biden in Washington on Tuesday. A speech by Netanyahu before the US Congress is planned for Wednesday.

  1. The Israeli attack on Hodeidah was a retaliation for the numerous attacks from the Huthis in Yemen towards Israel over the past few months.
  2. Following the drone attack on Tel Aviv, defending minister Yoav Gallant threatened a strong response from Israel.
  3. The BMG intercepted another missile launched from Yemen targeted at Eilat, but it did not reach Israeli territory.
  4. The Huthis, allied with Iran, control significant parts of Yemen and have been in conflict with the internationally recognized government since 2014.
  5. Israel's Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, deemed the attack in Yemen as a warning to Iran and urged the international community to intensify sanctions against Tehran.
  6. The Iran-led "Axis of Resistance" includes groups like Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, which both have attacked Israel in recent times.
  7. Hezbollah launched dozens of Katyusha rockets towards the northern Israeli town of Dafna on Saturday, while Hamas fired rockets towards the Upper Galilee from southern Lebanon.
  8. For over a month, the Huthis have been intercepting cargo ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden with alleged ties to Israel to support Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
  9. The peace negotiations between Israel and Hamas regarding the hostages have been unsuccessful for months, leading to protests by thousands of Israelis demanding an exchange deal.
  10. The war in Gaza began with an unprecedented attack by Hamas, resulting in over 1,195 deaths and 251 hostages in the Gaza Strip as per Israeli reports.
  11. PM Bibi Netanyahu is scheduled to meet with US President Joe Biden in Washington on Tuesday and is expected to give a speech before the US Congress on Wednesday.

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