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After criticism: Eder for more exchange on hunting law

A hunter loads her hunting rifle with lead-free hunting
A hunter loads her hunting rifle with lead-free hunting

After criticism: Eder for more exchange on hunting law

Following fierce criticism of the draft for a new state hunting law, Rhineland-Palatinate Environment Minister Katrin Eder (Greens) wants to intensify the exchange with associations and other stakeholders. In retrospect, it would have been helpful to have another round of participation before the draft was presented, she announced in Mainz on Friday. "This could have avoided many conflicts and misunderstandings, especially with the hunting community, whose expertise, commitment and assistance are crucial." Participation should now be intensified. The aim is to produce a second version of the draft bill, which will then find the necessary acceptance.

The Rhineland-Palatinate State Hunting Association (LJV), which has around 20,000 members, welcomed this on Friday. "We see it as fundamentally positive that the ministry wants to deepen its involvement once again and develop a second version of a draft bill," said President Dieter Mahr according to a press release. The association's committees will now discuss how to deal with this. Protests that were originally planned have been suspended for the time being.

Eder presented the first draft at the beginning of July. Among other things, it provides for less bureaucracy, more animal welfare and more freedom for farmers and forest owners. In addition, hunting management is to be geared more towards forest renewal as a result of climate change. Some hunting practices are to be banned in future for animal welfare reasons. In August, the LJV criticized that the draft would bully hunters, undermine animal and species protection and force anti-wildlife silviculture.


