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After criticism: Athletics association reviews double start rule

Are track and field athletes allowed to compete over two distances at the indoor championships? The federation wants to review the double start rule. Two-time European steeplechase champion Gesa Krause could benefit from this.

Gesa Felicitas Krause in the women's 3000 meter hurdles.
Gesa Felicitas Krause in the women's 3000 meter hurdles.

Sport - After criticism: Athletics association reviews double start rule

Following criticism of the ban on double starts at the national indoor championships in Leipzig on February 17-18, the German Athletics Federation will review this rule. "Due to the current discussion on this topic, we will decide in consultation with Jörg Bügner, Director of Competitive Sports, on how to deal with this regulation in the near future," said a DLV statement on Friday.

This was the association's response to criticism from former national coach Wolfgang Heinig, who wants to enter two-time European steeplechase champion Gesa Krause (Silvester Trier) for two middle-distance races. The 31-year-old runner wants to return to the international top class after the birth of her daughter Lola Emilia in the spring. She wants to lay the foundations for this in the indoor season.

"The reason for this regulation in the DHM invitation is that in the past, numerous athletes have registered for several middle distances and then not taken up these options at short notice," explained Sven Schröder, Event Director of the DLV. As a result, other athletes were denied a possible starting place. This even led to the elimination of entire semi-finals. The rule banning double starts was therefore introduced last year.

"I am very pleased that the DLV has reacted so quickly to our request and is trying to find a solution for a possible double start at the Indoor German Championships in Leipzig in February," said Heinig according to the DLV press release.

Gesa Krause on Instagram Short portrait of Gesa Krause DLV announcement on double starts

Read also:

  1. Wolfgang Heinig, the former national coach, criticized the German Athletics Federation's rule on double starts, which was implemented at the national indoor championships held in Leipzig on February 17-18.
  2. The German Athletics Federation, in response to Heinig's criticism, announced that they will review the rule in collaboration with Jörg Bügner, Director of Competitive Sports.
  3. The ban on double starts was initially implemented due to the past occurrences where numerous athletes registered for several middle distances and failed to participate at the last minute, denying other athletes a possible starting place.
  4. Gesa Krause, a two-time European steeplechase champion, expressed her desire to enter two middle-distance races at the upcoming indoor season, aiming to return to the international top class after the birth of her daughter.
  5. The Double-start regulation has also attracted attention in Frankfurt on the Main and Rhineland-Palatinate, as several athletes and trainers have voiced their concerns regarding this rule, which is set to be reviewed by the German Athletics Federation.




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