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After being threatened with a knife: police shoot man and dog

Police shot at a 24-year-old man in Dippoldiswalde (Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains) because he was allegedly threatening to use a knife. The young man was injured and taken to hospital. The officers were called to an apartment building on Wednesday night due to noise disturbances,...

A police emergency vehicle.
A police emergency vehicle.

Crime - After being threatened with a knife: police shoot man and dog

While waiting for reinforcements, the men came out of the house. A 24-year-old man threatened the police with a knife, it was further reported. This led to the discharge of shots from their service weapons. A 17-year-old is said to have let a dog loose on the officers. Shots were also fired at the animal. An investigation is now being conducted against the two men, it was reported. In addition, the legality of the use of service weapons by the police is being reviewed.

Police Statement

  1. In Dippoldiswalde, Saxony, the police are investigating two men for their involvement in a crime, where one man allegedly threatened them with a knife and another released a dog that was shot at.
  2. The incident in Saxon Switzerland, involving a 24-year-old man brandishing a knife and a 17-year-old unleashing a dog upon the police, has led to questions about the legality of the police force's use of service weapons.
  3. The police in Saxony have stated that a series of threats, including the use of a knife by a man and the releasing of a dog, were met with gunfire during an incident in Dippoldiswalde.

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