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After attack with knife in Hamburg: 24-year-old in custody

After a knife attack outside a pub, the police initially used a helicopter to search for the perpetrator. A 24-year-old man is now in custody.

A policeman holds a pair of handcuffs.
A policeman holds a pair of handcuffs.

Investigations - After attack with knife in Hamburg: 24-year-old in custody

After an attack with a knife in Hamburg, a 24-year-old suspect has been temporarily arrested. The man is suspected of seriously injuring a 33-year-old with a knife on Thursday afternoon following a fight in front of a local in Barmbek-North, according to the police statement made on Friday. The 33-year-old was then taken to the hospital for emergency surgery but continues to be in critical condition. The investigators reportedly encountered the suspect on Thursday at his residence. The 24-year-old is now in custody for further investigation.

The Hamburg police launched an intensive search for the suspect after the knife attack, utilizing helicopters to scour the city. Despite the suspect's initial evasion, the police's determination led to his eventual arrest at his residence. The incident has increased concerns about crime in the area, prompting calls for enhanced safety measures.

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