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After attack on homeless man: Second suspect in custody

Three young people are said to have attacked homeless people in Moers at the beginning of February. One of them dies. The expert report on his injuries is now available: The suspects are now accused of murder.

Second arrest warrant after the attack on homeless people in Moers. A 58-year-old died as a result.
Second arrest warrant after the attack on homeless people in Moers. A 58-year-old died as a result.

Murder accusation - After attack on homeless man: Second suspect in custody

After the attack on two homeless men in Moers on the Lower Rhine at the beginning of February, a second suspected perpetrator has come into investigative custody. This was announced by the responsible public prosecutor's office in Duisburg. The charge is common assault and grievous bodily harm. According to the current investigations, three youths aged 15, 16, and 17 allegedly attacked and injured the two homeless men. One of the victims, a 58-year-old man, died in the hospital about a week after the incident.

It was initially not clear beyond a reasonable doubt that the man's injuries were actually from the attack, according to the statement. However, after the final forensic medical examination, there is now a "strong suspicion" that this is the case.

The arrest warrant for the 15-year-old in custody has been intensified from dangerous bodily harm to murder. In addition, an arrest warrant has also been issued for the 17-year-old. He is accused of pushing down the 58-year-old homeless man.

Investigations into accessory to murder

The youth who filmed the crime, according to the prosecutor's office, remains free due to his "subordinate contribution," as the district court ruled. However, investigations are also being conducted against the 16-year-old - for accessory to murder and aggravated bodily harm.

The investigators became aware of the youths through the filming of the crime: A vigilant witness had seen the video on the colleague's cell phone and reported it to the police.

The attack on the homeless men took place on the Lower Rhine, specifically in Moers. The Duisburg public prosecutor's office is handling the case related to this Crime in North Rhine-Westphalia. One of the victims, a 58-year-old man, unfortunately passed away due to Bodily injury sustained during the incident. The arrest warrant for one of the suspects in custody has been upgraded from dangerous bodily harm to Murder.

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