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After assault on father: police suspect children with mother

Following an attack on a 49-year-old father on New Year's Eve in southern Denmark, his two children are presumably with their mother. "The law enforcement authorities currently assume that they are in the care of their mother," a spokeswoman for the Hamburg public prosecutor's office said on...

A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.

Use - After assault on father: police suspect children with mother

Following an attack on a 49-year-old father on New Year's Eve in southern Denmark, his two children are presumably with their mother. "The law enforcement authorities currently assume that they are in the care of their mother," a spokeswoman for the Hamburg public prosecutor's office said on Tuesday. "There are currently no concrete indications that the children are in danger." The Hamburg police, who are also involved in the case alongside the Danish authorities, also stated that the facts of the case are known and are the subject of ongoing investigations. "Further information cannot be provided at present due to the fact that the investigation is only just beginning," they said.

According to the Danish police, the father was attacked near a restaurant shortly after midnight while watching the New Year's Eve fireworks with his two children in the town of Gråsten (Gravenstein). The two children, aged 10 and 13, were forced to get into a car. The perpetrators then fled in two cars with German license plates. They are being investigated for assault and deprivation of liberty. The "Bild" newspaper first reported on the case.

The Danish officials are reportedly in contact with the German police. The case is possibly connected to an ongoing custody dispute. Part of the investigation is also to determine whether there is a connection between the incident and the custody issue, the statement continued. The police did not give any names.

Statement from the Danish police

Read also:

  1. Despite being involved in the investigation, the Hamburg police have expressed that they cannot share any more information about the robbery in Gråsten on New Year's Eve due to the early stage of the case.
  2. The public prosecutor's office in Hamburg has stated that the Denmark police have contacted them regarding the ongoing investigation into the attack on the father in Gråsten, as the case may be linked to a custody dispute.
  3. The two children, who were forced into a car during the robbery in Gråsten, are reportedly residing in Hamburg, according to the Hamburg public prosecutor's office, although there are no confirmations of any danger to their well-being.
  4. The Danish police are investigating the robbery that occurred near a restaurant in Gråsten during New Year's Eve, where the perpetrators fled in vehicles bearing German license plates.
  5. The mother of the two children involved in the Gråsten incident was suspected of being responsible for their care following their father's assault on New Year's Eve.
  6. The case of the robbery on New Year's Eve in Gråsten, Denmark, has been garnering attention, especially in light of the potential connection to an ongoing custody dispute and the involvement of foreign authorities, including the Hamburg public prosecutor's office.


