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After an attack on Trump: Biden calls for restraint in political disputes

After the attempted assassination on Donald Trump, US-President Joe Biden called for calm in political disputes. 'We all have a responsibility to do so', Biden said on Sunday (local time) in one of his rare appearances in the Oval Office of the White House. Trump meanwhile arrived at the...

Biden in his speech in the Oval Office
Biden in his speech in the Oval Office

After an attack on Trump: Biden calls for restraint in political disputes

The political debate in the USA is "very heated," it's necessary to "lower the temperature," said Biden in his televised address. Politics should never be a "literal battlefield."

It was Biden's third speech in the Oval Office since taking office. In it, he also referred to the storming of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. Supporters of Trump reacted to his electoral loss at the Presidential election. "We cannot allow this violence to be normalized," appealed Biden.

Trump survived an assassination attempt at a campaign rally in the state of Pennsylvania on Saturday (local time). The former President was shot and slightly injured in the ear. In addition to the alleged shooter, a 50-year-old firefighter and family man was killed, and two other men in the audience were severely injured.

"We all now face a time of testing as the election approaches," said Biden in his speech. "No matter how strong they are: 'Our convictions must never turn to violence.'

Biden's short but powerful speech in the Oval Office was delivered without major hiccups. However, Biden mistakenly replaced the English word "ballot box," meaning ballot box, with "battle" twice in the phrase "battle box." The 81-year-old incumbent has been confronted with significant doubts about his mental and physical fitness since his disastrous TV debate performance against Trump last month.

Biden and Trump will face each other again in the Presidential election on November 5. Some Republicans have accused the Democrats of inciting the shooting of Trump with extreme rhetoric.

Biden must now retreat in the campaign. The lagging President had recently tried to deflect criticism of his own shortcomings with harsh criticism of Trump.

The Republicans, on the other hand, may continue to spread the narrative of political persecution of Trump by Biden's government during the campaign. The nomination party starting on Monday provides an opportunity for this. Trump traveled to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on Sunday for the event.

In his online service Truth Social, Trump declared that he could not allow a "potential murderer" to change his scheduling. It is expected that Trump will announce his vice presidential candidate at the start of the four-day event with tens of thousands of supporters.

Trump called on his supporters in the face of the assassination attempt: "In this moment, it's more important than ever that we remain united and show our true character as Americans." They should be "strong and resolute" in preventing "evil from prevailing."

The responsible coordinator of the US Secret Service, Audrey Gibson-Cicchino, assured that her agency is "fully and completely prepared" to ensure security at the nomination party in Milwaukee. After the attempted assassination of Trump, the agency responsible for protecting current and former US Presidents is under pressure.

According to the department, the allegations that they denied additional protection to the ex-President before his appearance in Pennsylvania were "completely false." However, they must answer questions as to why the protector was able to climb up to a roof approximately 150 meters away from Trump's speaker podium and shoot from there unhindered.

According to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), investigators have not yet identified an "ideology" behind the act. Media reports indicate that the alleged shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was registered to vote as a Republican, but had also donated to a political organization affiliated with the Democrats. Former classmates of the 20-year-old described Crooks to US media as a quiet boy who was often bullied.

The weapon used, according to the FBI, was a legally purchased semi-automatic AR-556 rifle, which is believed to have been bought by Crooks' father. In the alleged shooter's car, investigators found explosive material.

  1. Despite the election defeat in the Presidential election, Donald Trump remained a prominent figure in the political landscape of the United States of America.
  2. Biden's speech in Pennsylvania highlighted the need for unity and peace, emphasizing that politics should not turn into a literal battlefield.
  3. In Wisconsin, Milwaukee specifically, Trump attended a Republican event, emphasizing the importance of unity and strength in the face of adversity.
  4. The Presidential election on November 5 would see Biden and Trump face off once again, with the political landscape in the United States being influenced by their campaigns.
  5. Amidst the campaign, disputes and accusations of inciting violence continued, with some Republicans accusing the Democrats of playing a role in Trump's election defeat.
  6. The attempted assassination of Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania sparked discussions around security and the responsibility of the US Secret Service.
  7. Despite the shooting incident, the Republican party continued to spread the narrative of political persecution, utilizing events like the nomination party to gain support.
  8. The assassination attempt prompted a reevaluation of security measures for current and former US Presidents, with questions being raised about the agency's response to the incident.
  9. In the aftermath of the shooting, the FBI conducted an investigation into the motives behind the act, with media reports suggesting a political ideology and past bullying as potential factors.
  10. The weapon used in the attack and explosive material found in the alleged shooter's car further fueled the investigation, as authorities worked to uncover the full extent of the situation.

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