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After an argument in a bar: Two men attacked with knives

According to the police, the alleged attacker followed the two men out of the bar and then suddenly attacked them.

A police patrol car is parked on the road with its flashing blue lights on.
A police patrol car is parked on the road with its flashing blue lights on.

Berlin-Moabit - After an argument in a bar: Two men attacked with knives

In Berlin-Moabit, two men in their twenties were attacked and injured by a man with a knife. Preliminary investigations indicate that the men had gotten into a fight with the alleged assailant (30) in a bar earlier, as the police reported on Saturday. One of the men (30) had to be taken to the hospital with stab wounds.

According to initial findings, the alleged assailant followed the two men outside the bar after the fight and attacked them unexpectedly with a knife, as reported. The men defended themselves with punches and kicks against the man until he fell to the ground, according to the police. The suspect suffered facial injuries, which were treated in the hospital.

A police spokeswoman stated that the two men did not know the alleged assailant. The reason for the fight was unclear at first. The police are investigating.

Press release Police

The incident occurring in Berlin-Moabit involved two men, despite not knowing the suspect, as they were attacked outside a bar following a dispute inside. The local authorities are now investigating this crime involving multiple men and the use of a knife.

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