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After a wet start to the season, outdoor bathing is hoping for a late summer

So far, summer has rarely shown its beautiful side, but it is not yet over: The public baths now hope for much sun and more bathers.

Late summer should still attract bathers to the swimming pool. (Archive image)
Late summer should still attract bathers to the swimming pool. (Archive image)

- After a wet start to the season, outdoor bathing is hoping for a late summer

Vacation Vibes at Home Were in Short Supply This SummerThis summer, the joy of vacationing at home was somewhat delayed. Instead of fun in the sun, there were times of rain-induced frustration. Pool operators felt the impact, as the mid-season review is rather lackluster. Attendance numbers are significantly below average, as a survey found. Now, hopes are pinned on a late summer. The pool season typically ends in September.

For instance, the public pool in Tübingen saw around 50,000 fewer visitors by the end of June compared to last year, a spokesperson explained. Around 128,000 bathers were registered by June 30, compared to over 179,000 at the same time last year. "With stable and warm weather, we expect high attendance numbers on peak days during the summer holidays, even though many people travel during this time." Up to 10,000 bathers can be accommodated on the spacious grounds in a single day.

43% Drop in Attendance NumbersThe city of Heidelberg reported a 43% drop in attendance numbers at its public pools compared to the same period last year. However, the spokesperson noted that the indoor pool was busier. "A pool that's open on a bad weather day requires similar staffing as on a good day. If the weather doesn't cooperate, staff costs remain the same, but revenue is low."

In Mannheim, attendance numbers for the four public pools are in the lower third compared to the past decade, a spokesperson said. July was better, and expectations for August are positive based on current weather forecasts. A similar mid-season review was reported in Karlsruhe.

According to the German Weather Service, the last few months have been the wettest since records began. Never before, since 1881, have there been twelve consecutive months with such high rainfall in Germany, from July 2023 to June 2024.

Despite the challenging weather conditions, pool operators are optimistic about the start of the second half of the season. They believe that improved weather can boost attendance numbers. However, the start of the season was disappointing due to persistent rain, leading to lower-than-expected attendance.

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