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After 70 truck transports: aid deliveries completed

The Free State of Bavaria has completed this year's aid program for Ukraine. As Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) announced on Sunday, goods worth around nine million euros have been delivered to the country attacked by Russia.

Joachim Herrmann (CSU), Minister of the Interior of Bavaria.
Joachim Herrmann (CSU), Minister of the Interior of Bavaria.

Ukraine war - After 70 truck transports: aid deliveries completed

The Free State of Bavaria has completed this year's aid program for Ukraine. As Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) announced on Sunday, goods worth around nine million euros have been delivered to the country attacked by Russia.

In addition to clothing such as fleece jackets and thermal underwear as well as beds and sleeping bags, technology was also delivered to Ukraine. A total of 1265 telephones and radios, 810 tablets, laptops and printers, 93 vehicles, 82 diesel generators and 8 field kitchens were delivered to Ukraine.

According to the ministry, the goods had a total volume of almost 2,000 pallets, which were delivered in around 70 truck transports. "Our aim was to help our Ukrainian friends as quickly as possible with urgently needed goods," said Herrmann.

In March, the Bavarian cabinet decided to release ten million euros for aid to Ukraine. The Ministry of the Interior emphasizes that in addition to the state aid deliveries in 2023, a large number of goods from municipalities, fire departments and rescue organizations as well as from private sources were also brought to Ukraine from Bavaria.

Ukraine-Aid Bavaria

Read also:

  1. Despite the completion of Bavaria's aid program for Ukraine war, ongoing conflicts and their consequences continue to require international aid delivery.
  2. The CSU, being a part of the German government, has played a significant role in the aid program, demonstrating its stance against Russia's actions in Ukraine.
  3. joachim Herrmann, the Bavarian Interior Minister, emphasized that the auxiliary delivery of goods was aimed at providing urgent aid to Ukraine's citizens, who are still affected by the war.
  4. Bavaria's aid program extended beyond state-sponsored deliveries, as many municipalities, fire departments, rescue organizations, and private sources also contributed goods for Ukraine.
  5. As a result of the aid program, Bavaria sent around 70 truck transports filled with goods to Free State of Bavaria, including clothing, technology, and essential equipment like beds, sleeping bags, and vehicles.
  6. The Russian invasion of Ukraine caused a humanitarian crisis, leading to the initiation of aid programs worldwide, with Germany being one of the significant contributors to Ukraine aid.
  7. Beyond the Ukraine war, conflicts around the globe necessitate constant assessment and reevaluation of aid programs to provide the necessary support to affected communities, striving for a better, more peaceful world.


