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After 18 months of sluggishness, mechanical engineering firms witness a rise in business activity.

The mechanical and plant engineering sector in Baden-Württemberg is showing indications of a rebound when it comes to the order situation, as revealed by the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) in Stuttgart on Monday. According to their statement, there has been a growth in orders for...

A worker stands in the factory of a transmission manufacturer.
A worker stands in the factory of a transmission manufacturer.

Financial Status - After 18 months of sluggishness, mechanical engineering firms witness a rise in business activity.

"After a stretch of dry spells, it's heartening to see that orders have increased again," remarked Dietrich Birk, head of VDMA Baden-Württemberg. Although this growth can be attributed to a weak April 2023, it may be a promising indicator of future rebound, Birk claimed.

Digging deeper into the more stable three-month time frame, the situation doesn't seem as promising. Orders from February to April slumped by nearly 17% compared to equivalent period in the previous year.

Read also:

  1. Despite the encouraging rise in business activity in mechanical engineering, the order situation in Baden-Württemberg's plant engineering sector still shows signs of the recent slump, with orders decreasing by nearly 17% during the three-month period from February to April compared to the same period the previous year.
  2. VDMA Baden-Württemberg, led by Dietrich Birk, has identified the growth in orders as a promising sign for the industry's future rebound, attributing it to a weak April 2023.
  3. The head of VDMA Baden-Württemberg, Dietrich Birk, highlighted the value of this growth, stating that it came as a welcome relief after 18 months of a challenging economic situation in the mechanical engineering industry, specifically in Stuttgart.
  4. The promising indication of a rebound in the industry has led VDMA Baden-Württemberg to emphasize the importance of plant engineering and its role in the overall economic situation, highlighting their efforts to support the sector's growth and strengthen the mechanical engineering industry in the region.



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