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Affluent weekend with vacation start in Bavaria

In Bavaria too, summer holidays have started. The streets, trains, and airport were bustling. One of the busiest weekends is nearing its end.

The first major wave of tourists blocked the streets of Bavaria over the weekend. Traffic jams were...
The first major wave of tourists blocked the streets of Bavaria over the weekend. Traffic jams were common.

traffic - Affluent weekend with vacation start in Bavaria

Status on highways, traffic jams at the airport and railway: With the Bavarian school holidays beginning, there was heavy traffic over the weekend as in previous years. From Friday to Sunday, travelers had to be patient - not just in the south. In other federal states, the summer holidays are already drawing to a close.

The ADAC reported on several traffic jams. Already on Friday, cars lined up on the A8 towards Salzburg and on the A81 towards Heilbronn for about 25 kilometers. Travelers who set off on Saturday and Sunday for their holidays had the same bad luck: There were jams again on the A8. The jams in the direction of Austria measured up to 18 kilometers on both days.

But traffic jams also formed elsewhere. According to reports, the highways with the greatest traffic congestion were the A8 towards Salzburg, the A9 Berlin - Munich, the A93 at the Inntal triangle, and highways 95, 96, and 99 in Munich. The usual suspects abroad were also involved: Tauern-, Fernpass-, Inntal-, Brenner, Karawanken-, Pyhrn- and Gotthard-Routes were reportedly congested by the ADAC.

ADAC: Second wave of travel around Maria Himmelfahrt

After the first peak of the travel waves during the summer holidays, the next one is expected in two weeks. Around Maria Himmelfahrt, it is predicted that it will be just as congested. At the end of August and the beginning of September, the high season is over, but it is still expected to be busy. "Bavarian holidaymakers are taking advantage of the lower prices then," said Alexander Kreipl, traffic expert for ADAC South.

Between the major waves and best of all during the week are, according to the traffic club, the best times to start your vacation.

Nationwide, several ADAC traffic experts were again in action. They will give advice to travelers and help with minor breakdowns. With an exceptional permit, they were also allowed to drive on the emergency lane with their motorcycles.

Also heavy traffic at the airports and railway stations

The Munich airport expected up to 400,000 passengers during the first holiday weekend. In the course of the summer holidays, more than six million travelers and over 43,000 flights were expected. Additional staff were on duty, it was reported.

The trains were expected to be crowded during the weekends in the middle and at the end of the holidays. The German Railways (DB) advised travelers to inform themselves before buying tickets and to reserve seats. "Intercity connections can be good alternatives to the fast ICE trains," said a DB spokesperson.

  1. Despite the traffic jams, many Bavarians decided to embark on their summer vacation, with destinations ranging from Munich to Salzburg in Austria.2.Automatic ticketing machines at Heilbronn's train station were in high demand, as many opted for train travel, avoiding the congested automobile industry.
  2. Luckily, some travelers in the affected areas managed to change their plans, opting for alternate routes or modes of transport to avoid the prolonged journeys.4.The Air Traffic Control warning system alerted pilots of heavy air traffic around major European airports, including Munich and Salzburg, during the weekend.5.With the Assumption of Mary celebration approaching, many tourists from Germany and neighboring countries were planning to visit Bavaria, contributing to the predicted wave of tourist traffic.6.Weekenders from Austria, taking advantage of the long weekend, flocked to various locations in Bavaria, causing further strain on the traffic infrastructure.7.The Automobile Club of Germany (ADAC) urged drivers to be patient during their journeys, advising them to leave earlier than usual to avoid the crowded highways and traffic.8.Those traveling by train during the weekend reported less congestion than on the highways, thanks to the DB's efforts to accommodate more passengers and remind travelers of alternative train connections.9.On Sunday, the chaos at the Munich Airport culminated in a massive crowd of travelers lining up for security checks, causing further delays for the departure of flights.10.Tourists planning their summer vacation start in the following weeks were advised to monitor the traffic situation closely and consider alternative travel dates to avoid the expected second wave of traffic around Maria Himmelfahrt.

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